Blogging Tips

TwitIQ Blogging Tips: What Blog Topics Can Make You Rich and Famous?

Blogging for Rich
Written by twitiq

When blogging came into being, it captured the imagination of millions of people. They saw it as an opportunity to write anything that pleases them and publish it online with a click of the mouse. That’s the start of ‘personal blogs’.

When the search engines saw the amount of human traffic on blogs, they saw it an opportunity to garner advertisers and lure them to place advertisements on blogs, as a newspaper spared space to place ads. Well, the blog monetization began.

This is when; people started blogging to earn totally passive income. The rest is history.

There are many bloggers who just started a blog, wrote about other bloggers who are making good money by blogging. This paved way for that other money making bloggers to become famous.  They started attracting newbie bloggers’ attention and the online blogging tutorials were launched.

  • Do you now see the evolution of blogging methodically?
  • Do you recognize the topics on which if you start blogging that will make your name famous in the blogosphere?

Let us delve into the kinds of blog posts that will make you rich and famous.

The majority of the Internet users have now their own blog (s). However, only 70 of them seriously maintain their blog while the balance 30% blogs are just dormant.

Do not assume that some bloggers became a sensation within a very short period. It will not happen; blogging is hard work and unless you take it seriously, your blog will very quickly fall into that 30% category.

I have been blogging since 2005. I know that one can become famous in the blogosphere in a selected few topics but those topics won’t make you rich.

Similarly, some blog topics will silently make you money but you can still remain unknown to many other bloggers.

However, there are topics on which some are blogging for both money and fame.

Fame only blogging topics.

Personal blogs can get you recognition and fame provided your writing style attracts visitors in truck loads, like a drop of honey, attracts thousands of ants within minutes. If you write compulsively on popular national topics or on the socio-political scenario in your home town, you are likely to get attention.  I am of the opinion that fame by personal blogging is more localized. It won’t make you an internationally well-known blogger.

Money making blogging topics:

When I started earning money by blogging about websites, products, services, and brands from my semi-personal blog, I started another blog on which I introduced all the ways one can earn money with a blog. Naturally, this blog of mine became an instant success by way attracting more readers who also wanted to make money by blogging and this increased my ad revenue. Yes, I started earning more money but I was not a well-known name internationally because only money seeking people knew me.

The other topics that are big money earners on the Internet are:

  • Adult content
  • Authoritative content on health issues
  • knowledgeable blog content on finance matters especially, vehicle insurance, health insurance and how to improve your credit score so that you are eligible for loans and credit card applications
  • Useful ideas on retaining or enhancing your appearance with cosmetics, jewels, and dresses.
  • List blogging where you publish the ‘top 10’ list of anything
  • Review writing is a lucrative idea

Blogging topics for both money and fame;

Tutorials and guides on myriad topics including “how to” type of content is good for money and fame. In this type of blog, the authors can sell their own guides and tutorials for money. Those who are benefitted by buying them will spread the word and you start becoming a popular blogger.

Other topics in this niche:

  •         News and events based topics
  •         Celebrity interviews
  •         Latest electronic gadgets
  •         Inventions and discoveries

So, that’s about it bloggers! I might have forgotten to pinpoint a few more niches. If you think I should include any more, please let me know through comment form.


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