
China Reveals Plans for High Speed Flying Train

Flying Train
Written by twitiq

China wants to build a flying train that would run in Hyperloop: 4,000 Km / h

China has announced it wants to launch a ‘flying train’, capable of reaching speeds of between 1,000 and 4,000 kilometers per hour.

It is called T-Flight and, in practice, would mean multiplying by ten the speed that currently reaches the fastest bullet train in the world, or quadruples the speed of commercial flights.

Behind this target is the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC).

The “flying train” would consist of a series of capsules that would use magnetic levitation to reach those supersonic speeds.

We expect it to be something truer and more concrete than the high-powered bus that has been spinning for weeks, this time the Chinese are going to Hyperloop with a kind of flying train that actually flies into a completely isolated tunnel.

They speak of a vehicle capable of moving on the surface at 4,000 kilometers per hour. The protagonists are much more serious in this new episode of Chinese technological histories since we are before the work of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, better known as CASIC. It is a state-owned company, which makes everything from trucks to rockets, so they are familiar with speed.

As according to the which is sharing the hot technology news tells us that the prototype that Hyperloop and Elon Musk started to form has ranged the speed of 355 kilometers per hour, and is jutting to exceed 1,000 kilometers per hour. It is an amazing figure that is mechanically stand out by the content of the Chinese company.

The Chinese flying train would boast a speed ten times faster than the current fastest train – in China -, would also leave conventional passenger aircraft badly.

What is this flying train really?

For the so-called “flying train” bases its operation on an idea similar to Hyperloop, that is, pods that go inside a tube, in which the movement is produced by magnetic levitation.

Yes, all very conceptual, many promises and no dates, but also many patents on the table that give value to the matter: more than 200 documents handled CASIC people for the project.

Overcoming the speed of sound in such a device should not be transparent to the user, so the system designer – Mao Kai – ensures that the acceleration will be very well measured to achieve such high speeds.

China wants to have such a fast transport system for the country’s internal movement, but also plans to expand the network between the countries that form the new silk route, which they call ‘One Belt, One Road’.

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