
Driver Assistance System- Alert Your Driver if He Becomes Tired

Driver Assistance System
Written by twitiq

It is a fun and luxury to you, when you go somewhere by driving your own car. However, at the same time, the risks, associated with car driving, can never be overlooked. In most of the car collision cases, it has been seen that the drivers’ carelessness is highly responsible for it. While driving a car continuously for a number of hours, a driver may become much tired. And due to this fatigue, the risk of accidents gets increased. Now, in this present technological era, the researchers have tried to alleviate these hazards with the introduction of Driver Assistance System.

A weary driver has some common habits

No matter whether you are driving the car with your own effort or have appointed someone to do so, it’s impossible to analyze the exhaustion level. While a driver becomes weary, he may not give proper attention to the highway or his head nods very often. He rubs his eyes continuously or yawns at times. But, as a passenger, you may not be able to identify all these things throughout your journey. That is why innovative Driver Assistance System comes to a wonderful help to you and your vehicle chauffeur.

Detecting drivers’ fatigue with technology-

Researchers of Polytechnic University of Valencia and UGR have developed the affordable Driver Assistance System, which easily makes out the symptoms, revealing the tiredness of driver. It also warns the distraction of driver in order to avert the possibilities of accidents on the highway.

The new Driver Assistance System has 4 sensors integrated with it. All these sensors have the task of observing the physical condition of your car operators. At the same time, it also assesses their pose at car’s wheel. Two are pressure-related sensors, while others are for temperature. An extra light sensor has also been added to headrest in order to know whether the driver is snoozing at the time of running the car. With the determination of various results, the Driver Assistance System technology is powerful enough to produce some acoustic warnings, whenever there are risks. So, your driver will become alert of the possible mishap.

While alarm system gets activated, your driver may turn it off by hitting the button for resetting.

Another integrated part, found in the Driver Assistance System, is electronic panel, which works as CPU. All these are linked with collision sensing system, which identifies sudden car braking or collisions.

The major role of CPU is to collect information from every sensor and at every instance. It also assesses them with the application of algorithm in order to know whether all the obtained results are to be considered as safe for driver. While any sensor does beyond the set level, algorithm determines whether this is the right alarm. When everything is correct, alarm system is automatically triggered.

The dedicated researchers are still trying to add GPS receiving system to know information on vehicles’ position in Driver Assistance System. Thus, driving becomes quite safer with these innovations. And, the rate of accidents may also get decreased.

Research Paper Submitted

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