
5 Best Games For Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch
Written by twitiq

Top 5 games to enjoy on the Nintendo Switch

Just over a month ago Nintendo brought a revolutionary gaming product in the Nintendo Switch which captivated everyone’s attention and offered an awesome gaming experience. Most of the users still regard the Zelda as one of the best extraordinary adventure game which happens to be one of the best online games of all time. Switch offers a wide range of game to try out which ranges from the daft party games to the cute co-op indie darlings which can leave you wanting for more.

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  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

The legend of Zelda is one of the most popular online games and this version brings the same amount fantasy filled gameplay. On Nintendo Switch players get both a challenging and welcoming gameplay experience wherein theyhave to take down a number of fearsome creatures in order to complete their quest.

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  1. 1-2 Switch

This is one of the most online games available on Switch and it helps in showing the might of the Joy-Con controllers at its fullest. Essentially it is a Wild West quick draw game wherein player has to glare into the eyes of the opponent and be the first at catching a samurai sword. This samurai sword while help in getting delicious fake outs wherein player can milk a cow or copy the dance moves. In short this game is designed to test the quickness of the players in catching with controllers and to provide a hefty amount of comic moments to laugh about.Nintendo Switch_3

  1. Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment

This game will bring back the memories of the good old 2D gaming days. Herein player plays the titular role of a baddies which is tasked to take control of the scythe wielding Specter which happens to be the servant of the evil. This is among the best online games on Nintendo Switch which will satisfy the needs of those who were looking for a 2D action platformer in this modern age.

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  1. Fast RMX

If you are looking for adrenaline rush then Fast RMX is aptly suited for your taste. This is a sci-fi racer which is extremely quick and fast paced. It comes loaded with a winding and unpredictable track and this is laced with a different coloured boost pads. Players can take advantage of the boost pads to pick up the pace and improve their chances of winning the game. It simply among the best racing online games available on the Nintendo Switch which be played both by a single users and as multiplayer.

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  1. Snake Pass

It is also one of rare games which emits the by gone ear of 90’s in its gameplay. This is a candy coloured puzzler wherein users take control of the snake named Noodle and his humming companion Doodle. A number of challenges are thrown in front of the player which required him to manoeuvre the snake I the best possible fashion. With right skills and opportune timing player will be able to overcome the challenges and progress to the next level.

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