Software Technology

9 Popular Programming Languages in 2019: To reach greater heights

9 Popular Programming Languages in 2019
Written by twitiq

Are you curious to learn Popular Programming Languages in 2019 to reach greater heights in your career?

Don’t know which is the best programming language in 2019?

Learn about the popular programming languages in 2019 in this post.

It’s quite often that beginners who strive to get into the digital world don’t know what programming language to choose. Similarly, professional coders also face this problem at times. So, let’s have a look at the most popular programming languages in this post.

In this post, I’ll be sharing the most popular programming languages in 2019. This list curated from the data of TIOBE, apart from that we’ve added all the new programming languages as well.

Let’s get into the list of 9 popular programming languages in 2019.

Top 9 Popular Programming Languages in 2019:

Python — Trending & on the rise Programming Language:

Python is one of the trending programming languages which has great career scope. These days python is a staple programming language in most of the software programs which are related to the AI, Machine Learning and Data Science.

Therefore, there are lots of opportunities for young coders in python. Similar to the Java, python programming language is also steadily increasing in both popularity and income level as well. If you are eager to get the best job then you should learn python programming.

Even though, it has secured 4th place in TIOBE Index. We feel we should rank it as number 1 because of its use in AI, Big Data & Robotics.

Brief History: Python was created by Guido Van Rossum & Released in 1991.

Learning Difficulty:  Easy.

Career Opportunity: Web Developer, Software Engineer, Data Science, Quality Assurance Engineer, Software Developer.


  • Python supports multiple systems and platform
  • It’s an object-oriented programming language.
  • It helps to improve programmers productivity.
  • This allows you to scale even the complex application with ease.
  • It has extensive support libraries as well.

Salary: An average salary for any Python developer in India is ” 4,00,000 — 9,00,000 per year” where else in the United State it is $114,383 per year.

Java one of the best Evergreen popular programming languages in 2019:

Java is an evergreen programming language which always massive popularity. According to the TIOBEs Chart, Java tops the list and it takes the first place. A large number of companies often use java to develop software and specialized applications.

When you learn to code in Java then you can quickly get the best job because there are a hell lot of opportunities on Java. The reason for its popularity is its special features such as portability, scalability and accessed by large community users.

Brief History:  Java was designed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystem in 1996.

Learning difficulty: Simple and easy.

Career Opportunity: Software Engineer, Web developer, EJB programmer, Application Developer, Software Developer, Tester, etc.


  • Java is an Object- Oriented language.
  • It offers APIs for various activities like Networking, Database Connections, utilities, XML parsing etc.
  • Java is an open source language which has Rapid Development tools
  • A large number of open source libraries

Salary: An average salary for any Java developer in India is ” 434,304 per year” and in the United States it is $101,013 per year.

C++ — Perfect Programming Language to learn:

C & C++ are two great programming languages to learn at any phase of our life. These are the basic yet popular programming languages one should learn to move forward in software field.

In present software field C++ still remains the on-demand language for its flexibility and performance. If you want to enhance your career then C++ will help you out because with C++ we can perform lots of intensive tasks.

Brief History:  C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup way back in 1983.

Learning Difficulty: Hard

Career Opportunity: Software Engineer, Database Engines, Gaming Industry, Operating Systems and Compilers, Financial platforms, Embedded systems and more.


  • C++ is a popular language in 2019 mainly because of its compilers and libraries.
  • No garbage collector is running in the background for C++.
  • C++ has very similar syntax and it makes it easier for everyone who knows C.

Salary: The average salary of C++ developers in India is around “446,136 per year” and in the United States is $113,865 per year. This is one of the popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights.

“C” A good Old programming Language:

C language is a basic yet powerful programming language which still has lots of scope for young coders. Although by learning only C language you can’t achieve greater heights but by upgrading your programming skills one can definitely reach higher positions.

Its robust portability feature and the early adoption by the tech giants such as Apple, Oracle, Microsoft has made it evergreen. This code can work with every system and it has a small runtime. C is a universal language and it’s quite popular as well.

This is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights.

Brief History: C was Developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell lads for running on Unix in 1972. later on, it was applied to the kernel of the Unix systems.

Learning Difficulty:  Hard

Career Opportunity: Software Tester, Software Developer, Application Developer.


  • C is a universal programming language with portability.
  • This can be used for low-level programming.
  • Runtime is very small in C language.


The average salary of C programmers in India is in between 2 lakh to 30 lakhs per year and in the United States, it is around $101,865 per year. This is one of the popular programming languages you should in 2019 to reach greater heights.

JavaScript — another popular programming languages in 2019:

JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019. Almost all the software developers these days use JavaScript for their software.

Coming to the websites you can see over 90% of sites use this language because it is one of the user-friendly languages. So, you will never be short of opportunities in JavaScript. JavaScript supports server-side scripting as well.

Brief History: JavaScript was previously called as LiveScript in Netscape Navigator 2.0 in 1995. later on, it was renamed as JavaScript.

Learning Difficulty: Easy

Career Opportunity: App Developer, Web Developer, Software Engineer, Software Developer, UI/UX Engineer.


  • JavaScript is very fast and can run quickly in any client-side browser.
  • Works smoothly with other programming languages.
  • It supports to write snippets of JavaScript which can be executed on specific web pages

Salary: An average salary for Javascript developer in India is around “5,08,116 per year” and in the United States it is around $110,981 per year. This is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights.

Visual Basic.Net:

One of the important programming languages for Microsoft as it was built on Visual Basic. Net. This programming language stands at the sixth position in popular programming languages in 2019. Visual Basic.Net is one of Microsoft’s OOP languages which has the power of the .net framework.

It’s well known for its development of Graphical User Interface applications. This makes programmers to improve their productivity and helps them to have a much better feeling while coding.

This is one of the most popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights.

Brief History: This approach was originally developed by Alan Cooper and its later developer by his associates under the contract to Microsoft.

Career Opportunity: Senior Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Developer, QA Automation Engineer.


  • It’s very simple to execute code.
  • VB is integrated with interactive development which helps coders.
  • It supports rapid application development as well.

Salary:  An average salary for Visual Basic.Net developer in India is around “337365 per year” and in the United States it is around $110,981 per year. This is one of the popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights.

Learn PHP for Web Development:

There has been a lot of talk around the Globe about the PHP mainly because PHP plays a major role in web development projects. Over 80% percent of sites built on the internet built by PHP.

Facebook has begun its journey with PHP coding as well. Its role in wordpress is also major and it offers plenty of features. So, if you are striving to pursue a career in web development then your best option is PHP.

This is one of the popular programming languages you should in 2019 to reach greater heights.

Brief History: PHP is created by Rasmus Lerdorf and it’s the successor to a product named PHP/FI and it was created way back in 1994.

Career Opportunity: Web Developer, App Developer.


  • The speed is the best advantage for PHP over other Programming languages.
  • PHP is an open source and has great library support.
  • It’s very easy to use PHP and its reliable.

Salary: The average pay scale for PHP Developer is ” Rs 245116″ per year in India and in the United States its $62,831 per year. This is one of the popular programming languages you should learn in 2019 to achieve greater heights in your career.

Learn SQL to Manage Database:

Database management is often important for lots of present day MNC’s. So, learning SQL to manage Database is quite hand. By learning SQL, you’ll always have a chance to get hired by Top MNC’s.

This popular programming language has always been in the top 20 programming languages according to the TIOBE Index.

The main reason for its popularity is simplicity, active community and reliability as well. SQL is easy rather than other programming languages.

Therefore freshers can easily get a job in MNC’s hassle-free.

Brief History:  SQL is developed by IBM researchers Raymond Boyce and the Donald Chamberlin way back in the 1970s later on it’s developed by IBM.

Career Opportunity: Web Developer, Database Administrator, Database Tester, Database Developer, Data Scientist, App Developer.


  • With the help of SQL, the user can retrieve a large number of records from the database.
  • It’s very easy to manage and no coding needed to maintain it.
  • The portability is often the best part of the SQL.

Salary: The average pay scale for SQL Developer is ” 389557″ per year in India and in the United States its $95,404 per year. This is one of the popular programming language you should in 2019 to reach greater heights.

Swift – popular programming languages in 2019 for Apps Developing:

There has been a lot of talk around the globe about Swift mainly because of its powerful features. This programming language made to replace C-based Language but due to its powerful features its become massively useful to create Mac apps.

This supports almost everything and has some special features as well. If you are eager to get into the mobile industry and build the mobile apps then you have to learn swift programming language.

Brief History:  Swift was created by Chris Lattner and it was developed by Apple.


  • Swift programming language provides various speed advantages.
  • Its performance has made it standout from other programming languages.
  • Readability & Maintenance is a bit easier in swift.
  • It helps to solve mistakes of developers with ease.
  • Thanks to its clean syntax, it can be used with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix.

Salary: The average pay scale for PHP Developer is ” Rs 459735″ per year in India and in the United States its $126,750 per year.

These are the most popular programming languages in 2019 you should learn to reach greater heights. Follow our blog to find out more interesting programming languages as well.

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