
Upcoming iPhone Features that will make Android smartphone Users Jealous

Upcoming iPhone Features that will make Android smartphone Users Jealous
Written by twitiq

Apple recently showcased the next big thing to happen to Apple users- iOS 13. This will be the next biggest update that will reach iPhone users in the future. iPads now have iPad OS which includes all of the iOS 13 features as well as some added ones too. The new iOS is scheduled to arrive in September along with the new addition to the iPhone line. Apple’s iOS 13 is now in its beta version and has some cool new features in store that will make Android users jealous. While Android users will get their hands on Android OS Q, the OS’ are widely different. So without further ado here’s a list of some of the upcoming iPhone features that are highly anticipated with Apple’s new major release.

In Built Video Editing app in the Cards for iOS 13:

Now with Apple’s iOS 13, users can edit videos on the phone itself without having to download any additional apps. You will be able to change the orientation of the video, add filters and much much more. This app is going to be one of the game changers in the OS world with many more companies following suit. This will be one of the many upcoming iPhone features that is highly anticipated.

Get Better Low Light Photos in iOS 13:

Another highly anticipated wait is for the ability to reduce noise in photographs. You can now click on an image and manually reduce the noise in it. This you’ll be able to do in the post editing stage. This will be another feature that is present in Apple OS but not in Android’s OS.

Better Security with this Feature in iOS 13- One of the upcoming iPhone features:

Now there will be a new way that you can sign into third party apps. You’ll be given a choice of creating an account with the app using your Apple sign in details. This is something that Google already has in place but what is different in Apple, is that each time you create an account with an app it’ll generate a random email ID. This makes sure that your email ID is not shared and your Email is not filled with spam.

Block Apps in Screen Time as one of the new Features on iPhones:

While Apple has Screen Time, Android users have Digital Wellbeing. But what’s different and what makes this features one of the upcoming iPhone features that people are waiting for, is that with Apple you will now be able to block apps by category. This is something that is not yet present on Google’s OS.

Find iPhone Devices that are not connected to the internet with this as one of the Upcoming iPhone Features:

One thing Android users don’t have is the Find My Device thing Apple has going on. Now Apple is getting even more creative by adding another feature to it- you will now be able to find even devices that are offline. Be it iPhones, iPads and even MacBooks, you’ll now be able to locate it even when it is not online.

Backup Text Messages on the cloud and more with iOS 13:

This is one of the upcoming features that is highly anticipated. You will now be able to backup all your text messages to Apple’s own cloud server. This makes it useful especially when you switch your phones. You’ll get all your old messages onto the new phone too. This again is something that is sorely missing in Google Android.

While that feature is interesting in its own right, iMessages will even get more Memojis and a New dark mode feature. Along with the new Dark mode feature you’ll also be getting Apple’s new dark themed keyboard as well.

Get or Search for Suggestions in Text Messages:

This is one of the upcoming iPhone features that is present in both Apple as well as Android. While both may be essentially the same, the only thing different in Apple’s OS is that users will be given suggestions to look for things based on their typing. This is one of the upcoming iPhone features that will save time.

Adding onto Memojis while it is missed out in Android:

One of the cool features on Apple’s OS is Memojis- the life like animated version of yourself with the avatar changing expressions based on what you want at the time. Apple is now making further enhancements to it’sMemojis feature while Android is still not got it for their users.

This time around you’ll get more customization options.

Silence Unwanted Calls in this upcoming iPhone features:

This new feature will be present on both iPhones as well as on iPads. With this new feature you’ll be able to automatically silence callers. This you can do so by activating the feature. Once activated you won’t have to take any more annoying calls. As is usual in this post, this is again one of the many features that is not present in Android’s OS.

Better privacy by protecting your Location Status in Third Party Apps:

With iOS 13 you’ll now be given more privacy as Apple now allows third party apps to access your location only once. If they, however, are using your location status in the background, Apple will notify you. This is one of the many upcoming iPhone features that will grace iOS 13 in September.

A New,Improved Maps app Upcoming iPhone Features:

This time around you’ll get more roads, better pedestrian info, precise location addresses and a more detailed layout of locations. This already is something that is present in some places but will roll out to the rest of the world, somewhere next year.

Just like street view in Google’s Android, Apple has now included a new look around feature in its Maps app. You’ll also have the ability to share your favorite locations or places you’ve visited with family and friends with the new Collections Feature.

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