
15 Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android in 2019

15 Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android in 2019
Written by twitiq

If you are a tech savvy who is excited to check out and try these special hacking apps means don’t worry, you can check out Ultimate free hacking apps for Android in 2019.

The craze of the Android operating system has been huge ever since its launch. We can see the great rise in Android users and it has even crossed the IOS users worldwide.

So, this immense craze has made hackers target Android Devices to their tasks. Now Android devices which we use are used for penetration testing, wifi spoofing, IT security Administration, network monitoring and even more.

There are a hell lot of hacking apps for Android in 2019 hovering around the internet. So, to make things easier for our users we have curated a top list which shows 15 ultimate free hacking apps for Android in 2019.

We don’t recommend to use these free hacking apps on your primary device because these apps are used for testing purpose so its best to try them in other devices which you don’t use regularly.

Note: We have cured this ultimate free hacking apps for Android in 2019 just for educational purpose. But we never encourage hacking or other malicious operations.

Now, our list of ultimate free hacking apps for Android in 2019 consists of popular wifi and phone hacking apps such as Shar, Hackode and more.

This list is mainly curated on the bases of our own experience and also from industry reviews as well. So, let’s get into the list of Ultimate Free hacking Apps for Android in 2019.

15 Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android in 2019:


If you are searching for the best hacking apps to try? Then you shouldn’t miss out this Ultimate Free Hacking Apps list of 2019.

1. The Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android AndroRAT

Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android AndroRAT

When you try to check out the Ultimate Free hacking apps list you always find one app which always tops the chart that is AndroRAT. AndroRat is actually the client/Server application which was developed in Java Android for the client side and its also developed in Java/Swing for the server.

The actually name AndroRAT is coined from the mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool), combined it is called as AndroRAT. This special app is developed by a group of 4 people for a university project. The main goal of this application is to give the complete control of the Android System remotely and retrieve all the information you need from it.

This special app runs as a service right after the booting process. So the user doesn’t need to interact specially with the service. This also provides you with the ability to trigger the service connection by SMS or by calling.

The features in AndroRAT are always helpful for hackers to collect information such as call logs, messages, location, and contacts as well. This special app also allows you to remotely monitor all the phones received messages, phone calls, pictures, and other aspects.

If you want to try this AndroRAT hacking app then you can download the App.

Download APK: Github. AndroRAT.

2. No.1 Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android Hackode

HackodeThe Hackode is another hacking tool which has the capability to do a penetration test. This tool is nothing but the app which has multiple tools which are used by ethical hackers, It specialists, penetration testers and more. In this app, you will have three modules.

Those three modules are vital for hackers. In that first module is Reconnaissance, Scanning & Security feed. These are the three modules which are vital for doing penetration and other tests.

With the special app, you can perform activities like Google hacking, SQL Injections, MySQL Server injection, Whois, Scanning, DNS lookup, MX Records, DNS Dif, Security RSS, Ping, Traceroute and more. It can exploits all the information from the target users as well. This Hackode is one of the perfect tools for hackers if they know how to handle the app or else it will take some time for beginners to understand these modules at front.

If you are curious to try this Hackode App. Then try It!

Download: Hackode

3. FaceNiff

Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android FaceNiffFaceNiff is other ultimate free hacking app for Android in 2019. This app allows you to intercept the traffic of your network and sniff them. You will find the tool helpful to snoop into the people’s facebook, twitter or other social media or websites using your Android Device. This is the favorite tool for lots of hackers as it steals cookies from wifi networks and gives an attacker unauthorized access to the victim’s account as well.

The faceNiff app requires a rooted Android Device to get installed. So that you can exploit lots of features on the app. If you are interested to try out FaceNiff then you should require Rooted Android Device. This special hacking tool is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz.

Download: FaceNiff APK.

4. zANTI, The Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android

zANTI Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android

zANTI is one of the popular hacking apps for android. It is one of the apps which is having a reputational hacking suite from the zimperium. This special software suite comes with multiple tools which are used for the penetration test.

You can conduct mobile penetration testing with this app and it allows all the security researches a good scope to scan the network quickly and easily. This toolkit of zANTI allows IT professionals to simulate an advanced hacking environment to especially detect malicious techniques.

zANTI can be called as the app which brings the power to the backtracking process on your Android Device. When you log in to the app, it maps the entire network you are connected to along with their cookies. You can find various modules in this special app and can do tasks like network mapping, port discovery, packet manipulation, DoS, MITM, Sniffing and more with ease.

If you are eager to download zANTI apk file then download that and have fun with this special hacking tool.

Download: zANTI APK.

5. DroidSheep

DroidSheepDroidSheep is one of the effective hacking apps which is developed especially for security analysis mainly to play with the wifi networks. This app is similar to the face sniff app and it can simply hijack the web sessions profiles over the wifi network. This app supports most of the services and websites and it works almost on all sites.

When you fire up the Droidsheep app, this app acts like the router which monitors and quickly intercepts with all the wifi connections on your network and it fetches the profiles and their activities as well. With this app, you can sniff any bodies facebook, linkedin, twitter and other social media accounts in your connected wifi.

Droidsheep can also help you detect ARP-Spoofing on the networks and detects other software and apps as well. So this is a handy tool for hackers.

If you want to download this special hacking tool then you can download it and have the fun of snooping.

Download: DroidSheep APK.

6. cSploit


Are you striving to check out the Ultimate Free Hacking apps for android which has advanced functionalities? Then cSploit can help you out because cSploit itself call their app as the most advanced and complete IT Security app which has a complete toolkit for Android.

It’s a special tool which enumerates local hosts and it can even find all the vulnerabilities of the local hosts in this app. Along with those you can exploit their cracks and install backdoors and even break the wifi passwords as well.

With this app, you can do lots of stuff but its interface is a little harder for basic and medium users. Rather than that everything is perfect on this incredible cSploit hacking app.

If you love to download and install this app then you can have the fun of backdoor installations.

Download: cSploit.

7. Shark for Root

If you are curious to use best hacking apps for Android? Then Shark for Root is one of your best picks mainly because of its advanced security features. It provides some advanced toolkit for security experts and hackers.

So, this tool works effectively and the traffic snipper tool is simply ultimate in this app. It works on wifi, 3G and Froyo tethered mode as well. You can even use this tool in tcpdump command for Rooted Android devices as well.

If you want to explore this tool then download it and have the fun of different modes of hacking.

Download: Shark for Root.

8. DroidBox

Wondering to use the best hacking app for android? Then Droidbox can be your best pick because it offers dynamic analysis of Android Applications.

You can get a wide range of results and information like hases of APK packages, SMS & Phone calls, network traffic, Incoming network data, Outgoing data, list of broadcasts receivers and even more from this app.

This is one of the best Android hacking application which has the ability to visualize the behaviour of the Android App package to detect the information about it. if you are eager to try out interesting hacking apps then this one of the best picks for you.

Download: DroidBox

9. APK Inspector

Eager to try out a special hacking app which performs reverse engineering tricks? The APKInspector is good find for you because it can perform reverse engineering tricks. With this app, you can get the graphics features and other analysis functions as well. You can get deep and clear insights on the user.

This is a small but powerful tool which helps you to get the source code of any android app and you can even visualize the DEX Code as well to quickly edit and change the credits and license. If you want you can even erase the credits and licenses as well.

If you want to try out this app then download it and have fun with reverse engineering hacks.

Download: APK Inspector

10. Nmap

Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android Nmap

If you are looking for some popular network scanning apps for your Android then here comes the Nmap “popular network scanning app”. It works on both rooted and non-rooted Android Devices along with that you can use the Nmap in desktop as well. If you are a starter who is striving to learn about the basic hacking apps then you should have this Nmap app with you.

Download: Nmap APK.

11. SSHDroid


SSHDroid is another app which is helpful for you in hacking. It is a special tool which is developed for Android and it lets you connect to the remote computers and even it lets you run the terminal command, and help to edit & transfer files. This app has some special features like sharked-key authentication, extended notification control, whitelist, wifi auto start and so on.

If you are looking to try some ultimate free hacking apps for android in 2019? Then you can try this app.

Download: SSHDroid APK.

12. Kali Linux NetHunter

Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android Kali Linux NetHunter

The Kali Linux NetHunter is an open source hacking tool which is used for penetration testing for Android. It is officially supported by the Nexus and OnePlus Devices and it provides the ultimate penetration testing platform. This special tool allows you to perform a wide range of hacking attacks hassle free.

Mainly this supports wireless 802.11 frame injection, BadUSB MITM attack, HID Keyboard, 1-click Mana Evil Access Point setup and more attacks.

Download: Kali Linux Nethunter.

13. WPScan


Wpscan is one of the special tools which scans the WordPress vulnerabilities for Android. If you are a blogger or a techie who often use WordPress then you can use this great tool. It allows you to scan the WordPress based websites and find all the loopholes and vulnerabilities of those sites.

This is a popular desktop tool but it also supports the Android as well. If you are eager to know about the vulnerabilities of websites then you have to choose this app.

Download: WpScan

14. Wi-Fi Kill

Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android Wi-Fi Kill

Wi-Fi Kill is another great hacking tool which is mostly used by hackers. It works only on the rooted android devices and by using this tool, you can quickly disable the device internet connection.

If your device is connected to wifi network then you can quickly hack or block the device. In reality, this tool will block the packet data going into the device.

This app is having an incredibly easy interface so that any novice starter can use this hacking app. If you want to play with your friends and colleagues in your wifi network by killing their wifi then you can use this awesome tool.

Download: Wi-Fi Kill

15. Best of Ultimate Free Hacking Apps for Android, Fing Network Scanner

Fing Network Scanner

Eager to find out the ultimate free hacking apps for android in 2019? then the fing network scanner is one of them it is used by the hackers and security experts to discover which device has affected and which devices are connected to the internet. You can quickly check out information about the map devices, find intruders, solve network problems, locate security risks and more. This special tool will come with loads of free network tools so this makes your job much more easier.

Download: Fing Network Scanner.

This all about the Ultimate Free hacking apps for Android in 2019 post. If you feel i have missed any of your favorite hacking tool then do let us know in comments section below.

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