Software Technology

Top 9 Exciting New Features of Android 10

Top 9 Exciting New Features of Android 10
Written by twitiq

Do you want to find out the more exciting changes of Android 10? Then you should check out these fantastic top 9 Exciting new features of Android 10 you can expect in 2019.

2018 has been the significant year for Android updates as you can see the special versions of Android 9 Pie with the exciting feature. However, In 2019’s you can even see the new and special version of Android that is Android 10.

The version that is yet to release is the 10th version of Android, and it will be named as the Android Q the codename of Android 10. We can expect more interesting changes to the Android Q. That’s why it is so called as Android 10. From visual change to the processing changes, you can simply see some incredible changes in this new version of Android 10.

Android Q or Android 10?

Recent times, Google has stated that the new Android version will be without any usual point suffix. Therefore, we can simply expect that Android 10 will be called a “Ten.” As Google might keep a name for this feature or they might probably leave it as Android 10.

Most of you might be wondering about what are Exciting new features of Android 10. Right? If you are one of them who is eager to learn more about the top 10 Exciting new features of Android 10 means, don’t worry you can know about them in this post.

Shortly the top 10 exciting new features of Android 10 are the rough improvements of dark system mode, enhanced system update, and other cool features. You can know about them in these top 10 exciting new features of Android 10 post.

So, let’s get into the topic top 9 exciting new features of Android 10.

Top 9 Exciting new features of Android 10:

  1. Dark Mode:

As Apple users have an attractive dark mode, the new Android 10 is also running towards it. Way back in 2017, Android users asked Google to implement a dark mode in Android. But, Google hadn’t done anything special about that in Android pie, but in the latest Android 10 version, Google is planning to launch a unique dark theme. Here Google has launched it just because of the rise of OLED screens and panels in smartphones. BY including this unique feature, you can quickly save and enhance your battery life. To surprise every android user, Google has made this particular dark mode in their latest version of Android 10 or Android Q.

Google engineers team has created this special feature, and it is presently available in the upcoming Android 10 version. Google has killed all the hype of people about the dark mode just by adding it to its latest version. Along with that, it is also having a quick settings panel for the power menu and app drawer in the dark theme. This works similar to the dark mode, of message app, youtube and phone as well.

What is Dark Mode:

Most of the industries top blogs are presently talking about the dark mode in the latest version. Some even stats that version Q has all the preloaded apps support related to its dark mode. Here in order to build the dark mode in Q, we need the google engineers to put up all the user interface elements ideally themed dark before May 2019 so that you can get the full version of the dark mode.

Some of the blogs have been more optimistic to get the dark mode. But way back in October 2018 there have been some statements made by top blogs that Google has abandoned the Android 10 Dark mode. As time goes on, we started believing that it is just a piece of fake news because the leaked version obtained by XDA has confirmed it that Android 10 has dark mode feature.

Dark Mode Settings:

  • Dark Mode is located under the display menu right in the settings tab.
  • By quickly selecting the “Set to Dark Mode” you can just switch normal mode to the stunning dark mode.
  • You can switch off or Switch on it with these settings itself.

The main difference between Android 10 Dark Mode and the half-baked mode is: it will turn all the systems applications into the dark, so it’s different to Android 9‘s version. The second main difference is Extra Settings Enabled in the DevOps Options. You can quickly turn third-party apps into the dark mode in this latest Android 10 dark mode feature.

  1. No More Android Beam in latest Android Q Version:

Google has started to get rid of the features which are not used by its users. In that process, Google has removed Android Beam Feature in its latest Android 10 version. In general, I bet most of you might not know about the Android beam and its existence. So, Google has planned to remove this feature and has the done the same.


The XDA has noticed that AOSP is often deprecating the Android Beam and its API in Android 10. This feature was useful when its first launched, but later on, lots of changes took place in this Android Beam. So, the ability to share large and complex files easily has been transformed, so Google has felt that it no longer need Android Beam.

So, it has removed this from the latest version. Although Google is adding OEMs to add proper support for NFC mainly because they have to declare the support for the Android beam integrations, so, OEMs continue to support this feature but it we can definitely say that ending of Android Beam is very near.

  1. System Updates (APEX):

Android has been advancing a lot these days. As part of the advancement, Android has launched a new feature where you don’t have to go to the phone’s manufacturer to quickly get any sort of update. Here instead of getting an update from the Android, you can directly update your system through the play store itself.

Most of the users feel easier to update their system with google play store rather than doing something extravagant on manufactured sites. In this latest version, you will get even the vast and complex update easily with a simple app update option.

So this is useful for users, according to the XDA news: they feel that expansion of APEX will be done in Android 10 devices and it could even lead to some simple scenarios as well. Google will now change the way libraries are updated in its latest version of Android 10. Here all the libraries have complied with precompiled codes which are only called by other programs. Previous, this required software to get updated but with the latest Android 10 version you can now update the app in the same manner as other apps. Although its confirm that this feature will be a highlight of Android 10 but nobody doesn’t have a piece of full-fledged knowledge on this feature. So, let’s wait for the game-changing new features of Android 10.

  1. Make use of Useful New “Sensors OFF” Toggle Button:

As the new features of Android 10 are cool regarding usability, its new “SENSORS OFF” option has been more useful. Android 10 has the “sensors off” toggle switch which helps you to tile the quick settings.

XDA has stated, this feature is useful to disable all radios and turn on the Airplane mode. It also has stated that this sensor off toggle switch will also affect all the gyroscope, Accelerometer and others to turn off with ease. If this happens means it would be the first time that mobile is providing access for turning off all the aspects to improve privacy. This is one of the useful features when you are traveling or want to safeguard your privacy. You can try these new features of Android 10 when its officially out for beta testing.

  1. Use new privacy Indicators:

Are you always thinking about the privacy settings and you are cautious about your privacy? Then these new privacy indicators are useful for you. Just similar to the Android 9 the latest version of Android 10 has some enhanced options which are helpful to maintain your privacy.

Based on the leaked product obtained by XDA “Android 10” has some unique new privacy indicators. Whenever the app is actively using the GPS or microphone or camera, you will get a simple icon in the status bar. This button helps you to let you know that you are actively using them.

If you click on the corresponding notifications, you will get a simple popup which has all the list of apps. These are the apps which you are currently using the sensor. This includes a button which has every information you need. This feature is relatively new to the Android or mobile system. So, let us see how it works and how it protects the privacy of the users from the web attacks. So, let’s wait for the game-changing new features of Android 10.

  1. New Improved Permission Mangement:

The permission Mangement has been improved in the latest version of Android 10. Google is again continuing their cent percent efforts to protect all its users from all the malicious apps and nasty malware which affects the phone. Now, with the new Android 10, you can have more control over the permissions.

With the latest version, you can specify a particular app which can only access sensors and other permissions while you are using them,

Ex: You can permit google maps to locate your present location while the app is open, but it blocks the location while the app is close.d

So, this is a pretty exciting new feature of Android 10 which useful. The page of permissions has also been revamped, and it has been mixed so that you can lend information from digital wellbeing app.

It also stops all the apps which are not having permissions. Along with these, this will also list out all the apps which are having permissions and educate the sensors on your Android phone. So, let’s wait for the game-changing new features of Android 10.

  1. RCS Messaging for all 3rd Party Apps:

When you heard about the RCS, you all might wonder what RCS is? Right! RCS is nothing but the Rich communication service which has been rolled out mainly due to the number of independent aspects which changed the part of RCS Messaging just to work outside the network.

Although creating these types are a little bit tricky, but Google has done a great job in creating this feature for its newer Android 10 version. This app can support all kinds of messaging services in the Android messages. This is the only app which supports all the features, according to the XDA statement. The new Android 10 has a special API which has the capability to open third-party apps quickly.

SO, it can be your favorite texting app, and it could be the game changer too. Check out this amazing features of RCS in new features of Android 10.

  1. Explore new options in the Accessibility tab:

Accessibility is often essential for any device. So, Google has taken special care on its more modern version of Android 10 to make it more accessible. It is having two options in the accessibility menu. The first one is “time to take Action,” and another one is “Time to read”. Here you can manage the duration of the messages. Even allow more time to see and quickly interact with them,

The other option time to read is having control throughout heads-up notification and other messages as well. So, this is one of the other exciting features you should try out in Android 10. So, let’s wait for the game-changing new features of Android 10.

  1. Ambient Display options:

Android 10 is having an always-on display feature which has been modified slightly to fit in Android 10. XDA stats that the settings have been moved from the Ambient display option to the lock screen Display.

In Android 10 you can see that there are no clock and date or notification icons and batter. Instead of that they presently have the status bar which is useful for unlocking activities. This is also good for features flag option this can be helpful to change the current wallpaper.

These are the top 9 game-changing new features of Android 10. If you strive to know more about them means please wait for more posts.

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