Gadgets Technology

AC Battery Working, Features and Advantages

AC Battery Working, Features and Advantages
Written by twitiq

Want to include battery storage in the solar system? If you decide to add, two ways are there you can follow to connect— called AC or DC coupling. These are two voltage types that you can use to transmit and conduct electrical energy. Let us know what is AC battery means?

What is AC Power and AC Battery?

Alternating Current is the standard form of domestic current used. This electrical current is used on the grid, household devices, appliances, etc. It is a special battery equipped with built-in circuitry, like Inverters. The function of built-in circuitry is to convert DC output and offer Alternative Current output. These are used to provide a portable output in remote areas that are far from the main supply.

AC Battery Features:

When you are going to select a suitable battery, it relies on your requirements. These needs can be identified in two main categories that are as follows:-

Short Term Power Requirement:

Most critical systems should have an emergency power source. Due to having a power source offers some time to shut down the running apps so that no data will be lost. The power source is also helpful to avoid loss of control for crucial engineering processes/ medical processes. However, there are some areas where people use small capacity deep discharge batteries.

Long Term Power Requirement:

Equipment that requires high power for a long time usually doesn’t depend on small batteries. In this case, you have to take the help of huge capacity batteries as these stand for a long time.

Advantages of AC Battery:

Different benefits of this type of battery are as follows:

  • The working speed is very fast. You can shift the power supply to the alternating current quicker than other standby generators.
  • Loss of power is minimal.
  • Highly efficient
  • There is no frequency destabilization
  • Pure sine wave o/p


Drawbacks of these batteries are as follows:

  • It can cause integration with the charger or battery float.
  • Compared to a generator, it has limited capacity.

Uses of AC Battery:

It comes with different benefits that are as follows:

  • AC Battery can be used as UPS and as Emergency power.
  • It can load balancing for Wind, Solar, and Wave energies and other irregular energy sources.

AC Battery Chargers:

Most of the modern off-grid inverters also double as chargers for your deep-cycle battery bank that activate automatically whenever outside AC power is available.

Whether your inverter is not equipped with the feature, it is essential to hook up an alternating current battery charger to your generator. While the natural source is not working, it works as a backup battery charging source.

As the chargers are AC-DC power converters, therefore these are capable of powering DC loads directly even though these aren’t batteries.

What is AC Coupling?

AC coupling means a process of coupling solar panels to energy storage or battery systems.

The electrical connection between a solar array and a battery may be Alternating Current or Direct Current. We call current AC when it flows both forward and backward. It is the reason why this type of battery is used in the electricity grid to operate. All businesses and homes use this circuit because of this reason.

However, it is possible to convert direct current to alternating current with the help of an inverter. But during this period, a little energy is lost.

The Solar Battery Evolution:

Previously, people used the DC-coupled solar battery systems merely in remote power systems and off-grid homes. But if you see the last ten years, you can find inverter technology getting advanced continuously. It allows the development of new AC coupled energy storage configurations.

Use a solar charge controller or hybrid solar inverter to charge a battery system as these are very efficient ways to use.

Nowadays, battery technology has got plenty of improvements with multiple new lithium battery types. The first-ever ‘high voltage’ DC battery system is Tesla Powerwall. The fame of higher voltage (200-500V) batteries has increased from that time. People use these with specialized hybrid inverters.

Recently, Tesla, Sonnen, Emphase, and other solar manufacturers have developed these batteries.

Why Can AC Not Be Stored In Batteries Like DC?

It is impossible to store these in batteries as it always keeps changing their polarity up to 50 or 60 times in a second. As a result, the terminals of the battery keep changing. It means that the positive terminal becomes negative, and the negative terminal becomes positive. But the battery is unable to change the terminal at a similar speed. It is why it is not possible to store it in Batteries.

Additionally, while connecting a battery with AC Supply, it charges during the positive half cycle. Then, it will discharge the power during the negative half cycle. It happens because the positive half cycle will cancel the Negative (-Ve) half cycle. Therefore, the average current is zero in a complete cycle. That is why you are unable to store alternating current in the Batteries.

Average Voltage x Average Current ≠ Average Power.

Difference between Direct Current and Alternating Current:

Edison is the one who discovered the direct current (DC), whereas Tesla introduced the alternating current. Most power-generating companies prefer to use alternating current as it comes with multiple benefits over direct current. It is more prevalent for home purposes, but the batteries offer multiple direct current power sources. The alternating current

provides a steady, controllable current that is capable of covering long distances. On the other hand, Direct current provides a portable and self-contained current with a limited life.

DC Batteries:

These batteries use direct current, and this type of current flows in a single direction.

Direct batteries are used in small appliances, radios, laptops, smartphones, and other electronic gadgets.

DC Power and Environmental Issues:

In this century came a renewed interest in DC’s potential. Concerns about global warming led to innovations in an effort to

control a potential environmental issue.

These types of batteries are used in electric cars and help to decrease carbon dioxide emissions. In short words, it is a significant contributor to global warming.

DC Battery Power Depletion:

As direct current creates a steady current, it can be quickly depleted. You might be capable of restoring it, but

the power losses significantly in that case. This effect is seen later on in the batteries. These lose power slowly till they don’t stop working.

AC Batteries:

These are not batteries in reality. Instead, these are converters that generate AC out of DC battery supplies. This type of current flows in two directions. The primary usage of batteries is power distribution. For example, you can use the energy for the electrical outlets in your home. Alternating current is capable of carrying electricity several miles except losing power. You can control this to boost or reduce power with a transformer. Use an alternating current converter on a DC battery to generate a more controllable AC energy source.

DC Batteries Powering AC:

The power grid is the most significant if you consider a significant example of DC batteries with AC converters. It is the major source of power for businesses, homes, etc.

Now the modern world solely relies on electricity, power grids now have backup DC batteries.

These DC batteries come with converters; they can convert direct current to alternating current. Using the converter, you can keep the power even though the supply of AC is interrupted. Homes can use DC battery power also to provide the converted AC power as backup generators.

Let’s know how alternating current is better than conventional DC batteries.

  • It offers more safety and helps to decrease yield rates at battery production lines. If you are using a conventional Li-ion battery, and the difference of voltage between anode and cathode within this is 4V. At that moment, it also helps to enhance the battery capacity.
  • A double lifecycle: There are different qualities of electrode particles (cathode particles).
  • The quality of these particles indicates a limiting factor for DC batteries. But for Alternating current batteries, it isn’t a limiting factor. The reason is that alternating current is available as a wave shape. That is why it takes the value of average.
  • The battery you use is up to 30% more compact in volume.
  • You should know one thing is that the production cost of this is similar to the anode.
  • People can use the technology for Li-ion batteries and many other all-solid-state batteries.
  • When the input is alternating current, the output may be AC or DC. But it depends on the requirements.

How solar homes use AC and DC electricity:

Solar panels generate DC electricity, and it flows in a home solar system into a box. We know it as a solar inverter.

It changes the DC electricity to AC electricity your home’s wires carry to outlets and appliances.

Batteries can store direct current and transmit it. You should connect these batteries to an inverter.

Solar battery banks are beneficial for homeowners. These can back up your entire home if any power outage occurs. You can use some batteries also for keeping vital loads up and running.

DC-Coupled Solar Batteries:

The solar installer may install special equipment while installing a battery alongside a home solar system. It first makes a connection between solar panels and a charge controller. Then, it will go to a battery bank, a solar inverter, and to the home’s main electrical panel at last. This process is known as DC-coupled battery backup because DC electricity charges & discharges the battery. It is capable of charging batteries as both charge controllers and inverters independently.

There are multiple DC-coupled batteries that you can install and use as AC-coupled systems. You can use this while including a battery-based inverter between the major panel and the battery.

DC-coupled Batteries Benefits:

  • It helps to charge batteries from solar panels though the grid is down.
  • If the inverter is not working, the Solar panel can charge the batteries. It is because the charge controller and inverter work separately.

Drawbacks of DC-coupled Batteries:

  • It is unavailable for PV systems using micro inverters.
  • These are hard to include in an existing solar installation compared to alternating current coupled batteries.

AC-Coupled Solar Batteries:

Previously, there was only one type of battery available— DC-coupled batteries. But nowadays, people are looking for a simple way to add battery backup while any power outage happens or you need to power off it.

If you have solar connected with a grid-tie inverter or microinverters, you don’t need a DC-coupled battery as it is of no use. You should not install any new equipment when others are working. Many current solar owners can add AC-coupled battery storage to their solar systems.

When a DC-Coupled system does not come with an inverter, an AC-coupled battery comes with its inverter. It indicates that the generated alternating current output goes directly to the home’s main panel. You can use special wiring to charge it from the grid. It can maintain backup power when the grid goes down.

Benefits of AC-Coupled Batteries:

  • As these contain all essential hardware components, adding them to a home is simpler.
  • It can be used with or without solar panels in a home.
  • If any problem occurs with solar panels or inverters, these batteries will continue working. Besides, when something wrong happens to your batteries, the solar panels will continue working.

Disadvantages of AC-Coupled Batteries:

  • Compared to DC systems, it is less efficient. The reason is that you should convert the electricity from AC to DC for charging. Then, it returns to an Alternating current for use in your home.


This article has elaborated details about the AC battery. I hope you will find this helpful.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can Alternating current power be stored?

As this type of current moves in both ways, you cannot store the power directly.

  • Is an Alternating current battery possible?

No, it isn’t possible as it changes its polarity.

  • What uses Alternating current?

Alternating current is used heavily when you are going to electric power motors.

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