
RED’s Modular Hydrogen One Phone Looks Crazier in Its Patent Application

Hydrogen One
Written by twitiq

Hydrogen One with High Quality Digital Cinema Cameras

Recently it was learnt that a company – RED, which is best known for making high quality digital cinema cameras intends to dip in the smartphone arena with something known as Hydrogen One. The company had announced the phone with a hot price of $1,195 and above though revealed little besides the few things such as an offer of 3D and `4D’, visuals together with audio which would `Assault your Senses’. The phone would be carrier-unlocked running on Android and will be modular. On reviewing the patent application which RED had submitted for a `Modular Digital Camera and Cellular Phone’, they got an understanding of just how modular the company was thinking. In the pending patent, RED visualises a smartphone such as the Hydrogen One as the beginning point of a segmental camera system which could switch everything from the screen to the lenses to extra accessories. With regards to the phone-focused parts of the patent application, RED has not been working in diverse area from other businesses which tend to make modular phones. The company envisages a few concrete modules which would link to the Hydrogen One such as a spare battery, a projector or a speaker.

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Single Camera Module – Modular Lens System

The variance between them and same efforts such as the Moto Z phones that in the case of version of RED, these modules seem to be the same shape. One would essentially be stacking another version of the rectangular shape of Hydrogen One towards the back or front of the phone. RED has been describing the other rectangular supplements as a completely single camera module that tends to have a modular lens system. One would attach this camera module towards the back of the Hydrogen One smartphone hence covering it rear camera, though, replacing it with a one which tends to utilise an improved image sensor and image process in capturing video at around or more of 8K resolution. This camera module could utilise CMOS, CCD or FOVEON sensors, ranging from half-inch to full frame or could be huge in size. Moreover, the user could also place other modules between the smartphone and the camera module such as a battery or additional hard drives for example.

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Electronic Viewfinder of Hydrogen One

RED has taken the concept of these rectangular stacks of modules then envisages them as the nervous system basically for bigger setup of a camera which seems somewhat like a DSLR. Here the users could snap an improved camera module and a battery or two on their Hydrogen One and to that chunk of tech, a number of accustomed photographic accessories can be attached. The company has demonstrated a camera grip with mechanical controls towards the back together with shutter button on the front. Besides this, there is also an electronic viewfinder which had the tendency of being attached on the left or a second vertical grip towards the bottom. This notion balances the way up in displaying the Hydrogen One being a shoulder-mounted cinema camera and basically changing a smartphone into a thing which is not too different from the livelihood of RED. If RED could utilise the Hydrogen One in at least lessening the gulf between a unique camera together with a modular system while providing some showy fresh features also or a quicker upgrade path for users, probably it could make a niche for itself and grow.

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