Blogging Tips

Blogs vs. Websites: What’s the Difference?

Blogs vs. Websites
Written by twitiq

Probably this question What is the difference between blogs and websites? has been answered a hundred times but still it continues as and when a new aspiring blogger goes online for the first time. I think just about every blogger who has put in at least two years of blogging would face a necessity to answer this question.

Well, just like the question which is as old as the age blogging, the answer too has not changed much. The old answers might be dusted to update with new features in blogging platform and re-published. Certainly it would satisfy the person who asked the question.

When the Internet came into being, there was a rush among people to have their websites built. There was a big demand for websites but the supply did not match the demand because of shortage of web builders.

In addition, one needed to spend a bag full of dollars to have a website.

That’s why, when blogs were introduced, we all gladly embraced the technology in spite of not knowing the technology.

What are the differences between a blogs and a websites?


Blogs are also websites but the major difference is blogs are dynamic whereas most websites are static. It means anyone who reads a blog can initiate a two way interaction with the blog author whereas statics websites offers only offer one way contact form.

You might ask why it is called one way when the webmaster can always reply! All the interactions in a blogging platform are visible to anyone who read the blogs and the comments; but it is not so with the static websites.

Technical knowledge

A blog can be created by anyone without any technical knowledge. With a few clicks, one can publish his blog in a matter of minutes.

A website creation is not simple. One needs to be technically qualified with a few coding platforms and web design skill.

Information update

Blogs are the favorites of the search engines because a blogger (the one who maintains a blog) keeps updating his blog with data in the form of text, image and video. These updates are arranged in chronological order with the latest update appearing first. One need to scroll down to read older posts, Sometimes blog writers even update several times a day while many bloggers maintain a schedule of posting.

On the other hand, websites are not updated on a regular basis. Whenever the website owner changes his policies, contact details or the price of his products, he will update his website but otherwise the data remains the same. Consequently, the frequency of the search engine crawlers’ visit to website will be less because there is really no necessity.

Data is stamped

Since the content on websites does not change often, when a website is updated, usually the entire page is altered.

However, blogs even though gets updated quite often, the older entries don’t get deleted but remain within the database with each entry stamped, tagged with key words and archived for easy retrieval.

Easy to search

A blog post before it is published is tagged with proper and search friendly words to make the information quickly available for the reader by searching. This versatility certainly lacks in static websites.

Blogging is fun and popular

We all know that blogging is extremely popular right now. All age group are engaged in blogging by way of sharing their thoughts with friends and strangers. Blogs are created and maintained by individuals, businessmen, brands, politicians, journalists, writers, poets and teachers.

Cost involved

A blog can be maintained without spending a single penny as they are hosted free of cost and even the domains are free. However, websites requires a domain that has to bought and renewed annually. In addition website hosting also needs money to pay to the host.

As a blogger since 2005, I will always say a blog is more useful anytime than websites and it can serve all purposes, be it personal or business.


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