
Wireless Charger Uses Quantum Trick to Power Gadgets on the Move

Wireless Charger
Written by twitiq

Technology that allows you to charge your smartphones on the go

If you carry a smartphone, then you would know how important wireless charger are. Charging your phone without the hassle of dealing with tangling wires is always a satisfaction, but like all good things, this too comes with a bit of a drawback. You have to keep your device stationary at one place when charging.


The main principle behind the working of wireless charger is magnetic induction. Modern designs allow the charging when there is a fixed distance between the device and the charger. The problem arises when the device starts moving.

Overcoming issues in Wireless Charger

A team of developers from Stanford University have developed a charger that can charge your device even when it’s on the move. That is a wireless charging system that is wireless and does not require your device to stationary and to be kept at one place and near the charger at all times. Although initial trials have only allowed the device to be in a meter’s distance from the charger but the idea behind this is really innovative. To prove that their Wireless Charger theory works, the team performed a demo in which they were able to power a LED bulb while it was moving and its brightness still remained the same.

According to the lead developer, adding this to the existing Wireless Charger would require a lot of fine tuning. The Advantage with the Wireless Charger system they are developing is that it won’t need any active tuning.

The working behind this Wireless Charger project

The working of the newly devised can be traced to quantum mechanics and specifically Parity-Time Symmetry. Something as simple as a quantum mechanics principle can be used to a greter lengths in wireless systems. This in the LED bulb and charger system involved the use of coupling circuits. When and energy boost from the amplifier in the charger took place, the loss of energy from the bulb moving away was balanced by that energy boost. The self-adjusting of the system when the distance between bulb and charger changes is unique.

Many of the researchers and tech enthusiasts think that this system is more simple and effective than other alternating ways to achieve self-tuning circuits.

What does the future hold?

The team of developers who are working on this system have announced that they will increase the range to quite an extent and make the charger powerful enough to charge moving vehicles too. Definitely this is a huge step towards modernizing the smartphone system and with advancing technologies we can always expect more. Wireless charger and wireless systems as a whole can be used to transfer or project power to much larger distances in the present future. A number of researches are taking place that would take wireless technology to new heights like using balloons and laser to send power to zones prone to disaster. The ultimate aim is to harness solar energy from outer space and send it back to earth hence putting a stop to energy crisis.


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