Blogging Tips

How to Establish Your Credibility as a Blogger in Blogosphere?

Written by twitiq

To pursue a full time career as a blogger in the blogging world, you must establish yourself as a:

  • Serious blogger
  • Knowledgeable blogger
  • Person ready to help with new bloggers
  • Blogger willing to share your knowledge

By doing these things, you will be looked upon with some respect and whenever you publish content in your blog or on social media such as Twitter and Facebook, readers will give priority to your posts and read with curiosity and genuine interest.

This is called establishing your voice in the blogosphere; an authority in your chosen niche.

Answering questions in Quora.

As a blogger with several years of experience, I used to answer questions in Quora, the internet’s number one user generated content platform in the form of questions and answers. By now, I could sense the pattern of questions that require my answers and they get forwarded to my email by As I have been sharing my knowledge in affiliate marketing without expecting any benefit, people look upon my answers as genuine guide.

Asking questions in forums and answering

I don’t claim I know everything in the field of blogging and affiliate marketing. I too would want answers to my doubts. Apart from Quora, I post my questions in internet marketing and blogging forums. One of the best forums to linger around to learn and share is Digital Point Forums. It is a huge platform to meet knowledgeable people who are more than ready to answer your questions without asking for a fee. Similarly, you too should be ready to answer questions.

Developing your own style in your writing

It is very essential that you develop your own writing style when you are writing for the web. Without expecting any appreciation and listening to criticisms and persisting with your improvement, you will evolve with your distinct style.  This is again another way to develop your own “voice” as an internet writer.

Blogging is your online diary and as such, you should always write in first person. This kind of writing naturally involves your emotions. As you write, you will feel various emotions and that should reflect on the words you compose. By this way, you stamp your style clearly and people will start identifying you.  This won’t happen overnight. After having tried out various styles you will find one that echoes you.

Frequency of writing

Internet is a crowded and noisy place. It is thickly populated. In order to stand out in such a big crowd, you have to make your presence (rather absence) felt by writing very frequently. I would say three blog posts per week is an ideal frequency. On ‘non-blogging’ days, your voice should be heard in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, remember to adhere to your style.

Admire, Appreciate and Share

Another way of developing your voice would involve admiring, appreciating sharing frankly.  As a serious blogger, you should be reading blogs in your niche. When you do that, if the content (text and image) of a website impresses you, you should openly express your admiration and appreciation in the comment field and also share it with your followers in Facebook and Twitter. Your ‘shares’ and the ‘likes’ will be intimated to concerned authors and they will remember your name. They are more likely to look up at your writing and eagerly reciprocate your actions.

Lastly, the development of your own style will depend a lot on your life’s experiences. You should include some of your own opinions and experiences into the articles you write or in the comments you leave as it will distinguish you from run-of-the-mill writers. In addition, it will allow your readers to connect with you instantly and easily.

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