Blogging Tips

4 Avenues for Attracting Targeted Visitors

Targeted Visitors
Written by twitiq

Please read the title again; I mentioned ‘ targeted visitors ’. Most of the bloggers miss this word. The moment a blog is launched, even before some quality content is added, bloggers rush to promote their blogs without having any idea who their target is.

A blogger has to clearly conclude who is going to be their target visitors and readers are, immediately after having decided about their blog’s niche. Even if they put in thousand dollars and 100 hours of work in getting the word out, it won’t yield anything substantial if their money and effort are not targeted.

Let me share my views on the ways to employ targeted internet promotion.

Contextual advertising bring visitors:

This is by far the most effective method to attract 100% targeted audience. Yes, this 100% targeted because none will click on your advertisement if they are least interested. Would you do that? No! So won’t others buddy.

This PPC (Pay per click) Avenue is the paid advertising most of the online content marketers would employ because:

  • It is 100% targeted
  • You decide how much you can afford to spend
  • You apply filters that decide from where the traffic should come
  • You can fix as low as 1 cent per click

By experience, I assure you that PPC advertising is 100% targeted internet promotion.

Participate in Forums

Forums are created in a way so as to discuss various topics in a particular niche. For example, if the Internet Marketing is the overall niche of a forum, the sub topics inside a forum can be:

  • PPC advertising
  • CPA (Cost per action) advertising
  • Blogging
  • Banner advertising
  • Website traffic exchanges
  • Social media advertising such as Facebook ads and Twitter ads
  • Sponsored content marketing
  • Link building
  • Website themes and templates sponsoring

And much more

So, each sub topic will be actively discussed only by the interested members. If you raise intelligent questions and answer, your name will slowly be remembered and your website link on the signature under your profile will get clicks and visitors. The reputation you build is valuable like gold.

Blog Commenting:

Ever since I started learning the art blogging in 2005, I learned about so many blogs and myriad topics and languages only by reading the comments on blogs and the links of the commentators.

Sometimes, the anchor text will be the name of the commentators and some anchor texts will be a set of words that tell you what it is linking to.

Why blog commenting is for targeted visitors?

Simple! You find and visit blogs of your interest and make a comment. The other readers of that particular blog post will invariably read your intelligent comment and consequently visit your blog/website that is linked to your name.

Blog directory submission:

There are a handful of blog directories. The directory is conveniently categorized so that every blogger would submit his blog under a suitable category only.

Example categories:

  • Personal blogs
  • Blogs about blogging
  • Gadget blogs
  • Beauty blogs
  • Travel blogs

And so on…

If I want to find blogs of my niche so that I can read the content for inspiration, I would look up the category under which I have submitted my blog. Once found, I can communicate with the author of the blog for collaboration.

Note: Never submit your blog in any general directory even there is a category called ‘Blogs’. It is a grave yard for links.

In short, when you show genuine interest in the content of other blogs of your niche, your interest will be reciprocated and both of you are benefited in your own field.

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