Blogging Tips

How to Get Free User Generated Content for Your Blog?

User Generated Content
Written by twitiq

What exactly user generated content is?

Simple; the content that is not authored by you but written by another person.

Launching a blog these days is a kid’s play; it can be online in a matter of minutes provided one has already decided on a name for his blog and searched for an available domain.

However, building it into a successful blog irrespective of the niche is all about creating high quality content that the readers will be genuinely interested in.

So, what high quality content is?

Put yourself into the shoes of a reader for a moment and forget about being an author. When you have searched for some information and chose to click on a link among several other search results and ended up spending several minutes reading the displayed web page and did not click on any other link to acquire any further information, then, you have just read high quality content.

However, if you kept clicking on the results for the desired information, then, the links that contained the information are said to contain worthless content.


Sites with high quality content are called authority sites and they naturally rank high in the Google search results.

However, writing all that content yourself can be intimidating and tedious. You have to do a lot of research to come up with a ‘Pillar Post’.

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Can you name an authority site for example with user generated content?

Yes. Shout Me Loud. It’s an odd name alright undoubtedly the number one blog in India. Even such a site is filled with top class content that all are not written by the owner of the blog Mr. Harsh Agrawal. A team of writers are engaged who are all co-authors. In addition, you can read posts written by guest authors in

The guest authors are not rewarded financially. In return, they are given a link back to their website and that is worth a lot of money.

In the above instance, Shout Me Loud blog got a very high quality user generated content totally FREE.

Therefore, if your blog is filled only with pillar posts, you never have to write another piece but fill it up with free user generated content of high quality.

It becomes easy for such a successful blog to add high-quality content written by guest authors in exchange for a link back to their website.

When you gather a team of multiple expert authors, your blogs gets filled up with free high quality user generated content that engages the readers fully and does not allow them to navigate away from the content.

Finding these guest writers can be as easy as contacting other bloggers who are already established in your niche and telling them that you will begin accepting their high-quality user generated content in exchange for links.

Other ways to get free user generated content.

The avenues are many to let the word out that your blog accepts free guest posts in the same niche of your blog and in return, you give back one or two links to the guest writer. If you wish to maintain your own profanity database you can do it  with the help of webpurify plugin.

  • In your ‘contact us’ page, you can declare that you accept guest posts.
  • You can frequently tweet about your willingness to give free backlinks from a high quality website. The word ‘free backlinks’ will work wonders buddy.
  • The same thing can be posted in Facebook, blog and internet marketing related forums.
  • Use the right Google plus communities to announce your intention of getting free user generated content.

I know of very popular sites on the web that survive solely on free guest written user generated content. In fact, it is how blogs of high repute work.

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