Blogging Tips

Can You Earn Money Online Without a Website?

Earn Money Online
Written by twitiq

The most frequently asked question from nearly 90% of the aspiring online entrepreneurs and work-from-home enthusiasts is this: “Can I earn money online without a website or a blog”?

Are you one of them?

I address all of you. Yes, you can earn money online without:

So, what else do you actually need to work from home with just a computer to earn money online?

  • At the outset, you must be hungry for earn money online
  • Learn the basics of Internet Marketing Avenues
  • A fair amount of self-learning attitude
  • Ability to stay organized

How exactly one can earn money online without a website or a blog?

You can earn money online by becoming an affiliate marketer. There is big money left on the table in the affiliate marketing industry and anyone can grab his share.

Affiliate marketing or the CPA method is free for all and it can provide you a full-time online business to earn money online.

What is meant by CPA?

CPA stands for Cash Per Action. Your next question should be “what is an action; can you elaborate”? By action, I mean it can be:

  • Sales (CPS): Cost Per Sale type, pay affiliates per sale.
  • Clicks (CPC): Cost per Click: These programs pay affiliates for each click on the affiliate link.
  • Views or Impressions (CPM): Cost Per Million: When advertisers pay affiliates for the number of impressions that their affiliate link can generate. It is paid for every thousand impressions/views.
  • Getting an online form filled by a visitor (CPL): Cost per Lead: Advertisers pay a fixed amount for every form that gets filled up by a visitor from to your promotional efforts. These might be sales leads or simply subscribers to an email list.

Advertisers engage affiliates to promote their products online and pay a percentage of the sale price or a pre-fixed amount as commission to the affiliates when their promotional efforts generate a:

  • Sale
  • Click
  • View
  • Lead


Out of the four types mentioned above, which pays the highest amount?

Naturally, the first type which is the cost per sale pays the highest amount to the affiliate. It can be as high as 70% of the sale price and this usually is the percentage when promoting the digital information products such as:

  • Guides
  • Ebooks
  • Tutorials

Most of the advertisers who want you to promote digital information products won’t insist on a website or a blog while selling physical products, advertisers like Amazon will insist on you to have a website at the time of affiliate signup.

The Cost per Clicks pays very little; it can be as low as $0.01 per click. Example: Google AdSense

The Cost per Million (thousand) payment might varies; it can start from $2 per thousand impressions and can go up to $8 per thousand

The Cost per lead is also attractive for earn money online. For every lead, you may receive $1 to $5 or maybe more. By lead, I mean an email address or a name and telephone number and or even the mailing address of the person filling out an online form.

Which CPA Offers Should You Choose?

Though you won’t find it difficult to locate CPA offers, the difficult task is the actual part of selecting them.

Since, you don’t have a website or a blog to promote your affiliate offers, you need to select mostly products that need not require a full review because reviews need a platform to publish. You can select CPS or CPL or CPC offers or, all of them to earn money online.

Where do you promote your affiliate links/banners to earn money online?

As you don’t have an online presence, you need to post your affiliate links in:

  • Free classifieds
  • Forums
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Linked In
  • Google plus

And any other social media you have joined to earn money online.

Who will give you the affiliate links and banners?

Every advertiser will provide all the promotional materials to their affiliates in the form of:

  • Text links
  • Image advertisements or banners of various sizes
  • Pre-written email messages
  • Pre-written messages for auto-responders

As per the current trend, advertisers also provide pre-written twitter posts called tweets and Facebook posts, etc. All an affiliate needs to do is to copy and paste the promotional material in the appropriate medium mentioned above to earn money online.

Where do you post banner ads to earn money online?

There are free banner exchange websites that you can join free and post your affiliate banner and view others’ banners and they in turn view yours.

Paid adverting;

If you have earned some money initially through free advertising efforts, you can think of paid advertising out of the earnings. I would advise you to do that since if you put something on the Internet from which you got something, it will help you financially in the long run. However, paid advertising like Google AdSense requires you to study it fully before putting your money in.

Can you promote your CPA ads through Mobile Apps to earn money online?

Sure, why not? Promote your CPA offers though mobile app you build or get it built is an innovative idea. It involves less money but can reach a large audience instantly.

Well, that’s an overview of how the CPA works and how you can earn money online by promoting the CPA links without having an online presence of your own.

There is more to CPA such as the list of worthwhile companies you can join and how to track your online promotion to generate more sales.

There is a second tier marketing where you hire your own affiliates and earn a small percentage of the sales they generate. In this method, your affiliates earn more than you.

I will get into them plus where to find your second tier sales agents in my next post.


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