Blogging Tips

Choosing a Niche for Your Blog in 3 Steps

blog niche
Written by twitiq

In 3 simple steps, learn to pick the overall subject (niche) for your blog.

Once an aspiring blogger has decided to start a blog, the next step is to decide on what’s to blog about; it means picking up the correct niche to blog about. There is no dearth of selecting a subject to talk about online but it is necessary to choose one that you have a basic interest. You need not have complete knowledge in the niche but interest is must to expand the knowledge so that, you can engage yourself in compiling an article.

Learning to choose a niche for your blog is the first and important action even before you name your blog. In order to persist a blog for a long term, one must have absolute passion in the subject he chooses to blog about.

Now that you get the first and useful tips, let us go through the 3 quick and easy steps to narrow your interest as you are likely to have more than one interest.

Niche Blog

Step 1. Let us assume you have more than one interest. To select among them, you must think hard to find out which one can sustain your interest for a long term. The reason for this is you may quickly abandon your blog if you lose your interest in two or three months. There is no special guide to help you to narrow down your choice. It is for you to decide.

Still, you might ask, “What if I lose my interest?” Well, in that case, start afresh all over and choose another niche. (smile)

Remember, you may have to do a lot of research online on your chosen subject so that you don’t fall short of content ideas in future. If you don’t have a basic passion for the subject you choose, you won’t be interested in doing your content research.

Step 2: If your aim is to earn a second income by blogging, you must analyze the profitability of your selected niche. This involves doing an in-depth keyword research. Before doing that, you must find out the number of subcategories for your niche. Under your broad subject of blogging, there can be many subcategories and some of them may pose less competition and thus can fetch more money than others. You must be an organized person while doing your keyword research by keep notes of all your findings neatly online.

Tools to do keyword research:

A keyword means the search term that everyone keys in the Google search box to find something. There are some free as well paid tools to do keyword search and analyze.

Some of them are:

Google Trends: It is a free tool offered by the Google.

SEMrush: This is my personal favorite keyword finding tool. I have used it quite often over the years. It allows me to learn more about overall competition, where they are ranked and what the search volume is etc.

Long Tail Pro: It is a paid tool. Since I have not used personally, I have no idea about its usefulness but it is quite popular and hence must be very good.

Step 3 – You must able to gauge the future of the niche. Some niches selected by you might be very remunerative but may not sustain it after a year or so. For example, if you chose a big sports event or a national election or even an upcoming movie, the public interest will die in due course and the visitors to your blog will finally stop.

By applying these 3 simple steps, you will narrow down your blog niche in a day or two.

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