Blogging Tips

Learn the Basics of Blog Commenting – A Practical Guide for Bloggers

Blog Commenting
Written by twitiq

If you ever have imagined attracting a visitor to your blog almost instantly, then, blog commenting is the only way. In addition, blog commenting is the effective method for getting some valuable backlinks.

Blog comments are what make a blog truly interactive. Blog comments are the lifeblood of a blog. Comments alone separate a blog from a static website. As the conversation builds, your relationship with your readers will be solid and meaning full and it also paves way to increase your blog’s popularity.

How to Find Right Post for Blog Commenting

Underneath most blog posts is an area for visitors to leave a comment. Blog comments are a critical part of a successful blog.

blog Commenting on others’ blog posts is the number one way in getting one-way Backlinks and serious traffic. Many bloggers (myself included) believe that good comments should be rewarded with a link back to the commentator’s site (if they so choose to include one). However, the way you go about blog commenting and including a link will clearly demonstrate whether you are there to contribute or merely to take.

90% of online community users are lurkers (read or observe without contributing) with only 9% of users contributing ‘a little’ and 1% actively contributing.

If you make a sincere attempt to be in that last 1%, your value as a blogger will shine like a lighthouse beam.

If someone has comments enabled on his or her blog, then you can usually find a “comments” text at the end of each post followed by a form like the one below.

It will slightly vary depending on the template (theme) of the blog but the idea is the same in which you will say what you want to say followed by your real name, real email address and the URL of your website if any. If you do not have a website, leave that column blank.

Here is a short list of things “not to do” when blog commenting on blogs.

  • Don’t leave blog comments like “nice post” or “I agree” and then include a link to your website. It is only so obvious that you are there only to try to earn some unearned link juice. If you leave a comment like that on any blog, it will never get published.
  • Make sure your comment is of ” value.” Mis-information, spelling and grammar errors or even unprofessional language will reflect badly on you, doing you more harm than good.
  • Don’t try to stuff keyword rich anchor text in the “Name” field. It must be your real name. Most bloggers know your name is not “Orlando Florida Real Estate” or some other keyword laden phrase.
  • Use the “URL” field to include your website address and not in the body of the comment. That is considered as rude and your blog comment won’t be approved.
  • Don’t mass comment all at once. When I see the same person commenting on a number of posts, all in a row, their intentions are clear. Blog authors are not blind and stupid.
  • Don’t post the same blog comment across multiple blogs. This might occur when several bloggers are covering the same story. Remember that many bloggers in any particular industry know each other. Duplicate website comment spammers can be easily identified and dealt with accordingly.

The bottom line is to use blog commenting in the way it was originally designed.

Strictly Follow these “to do” advice while blog commenting.

  • Read the blog post till the end before composing your opinion. Sometimes, as you are reading, you might agree or disagree with a point. Immediately, if you start writing your blog comment without reading the blog post till the end, you are likely to cut a sorry face because that point of debate would be dealt differently before the end of the post. Your half-baked reaction would be pointed out either by the author of the blog post or by other commentators.
  • If you really think you have contributed to the blog post, you would want to see whether it gets published and also would like the responses from further commentators. Therefore, you must subscribe to the ‘follow up’ comment by clicking on the appropriate box.
  • Your blog comment should contain a minimum of 50 words or three sentences. Then only it will have anything meaningful.
  • Your blog comment should indicate to the comment moderator that you have read the blog post fully.
  • Do not include words that the moderator has to reach over a dictionary. They don’t have time. They have nothing to gain and you are the loser if your comment is not approved. If you are a professional blog commentator, it will spoil your reputation and dent your earning.
  • If you happen to leave a negative blog comment, you can do so but your language should be very polite. You should say you are not offending and your comments need not be approved if the blog post author is not willing to publish your blog comment.
  • If your comment asked for an answer, your input is likely to get approved but not guaranteed.

6 Ways to Increase Comment Numbers on Your Blog

  1. Invite Comments by openly saying it at the end of your blog post.
  2. Ask Questions by including specific questions in posts.
  3. Interact with comments left – If you’re not willing to use your own comments section why would your readers bother? If someone leaves a comment, interact with them.
  1. Be humble – I find that readers respond very well to posts that show your own weaknesses, failings and the gaps in your own knowledge rather than those posts where you come across as knowing everything there is to know on a topic.
  1. ‘Reward’ Comments – There are many ways of acknowledging and ‘rewarding’ good comments that range from simply including a ‘good comment’ remark or highlighting them in other posts that you write.
  1. Make it Easy to Comment by not insisting on ‘Captcha’. Never insist that the reader has to log in or create an account to leave feedback etc. This will deter the readers from commenting.

Do you know you can earn by blog commenting on blogs? Learn to comment on blogs and earn money.

Enjoy Blog Commenting!

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