Blogging Tips

Best Free SERP Checker Tools-2019 (Latest)

SERP Checker
Written by twitiq

Looking for SERP checker to find your keywords? But can’t find out Best Free SERP Checker tools? Then don’t worry these free SERP checker tools will help you get what you need at lightning speed.

Usually, starters often have trouble with SERP Rankings because most of them don’t know which tool to use to check out their rankings. As everyone has to start somewhere, they simply try out different tools. In some cases, they will leave this a said.

As they gain prior knowledge on SERP rankings then they will soon realize just how important measuring SERP Rankings. And quickly search for best premium tools to check their SERP Rankings.

Here the sad news is that all beginners will not have funds to buy premium products. In those cases, they often try to check out Best free SERP checkers. If you are one of those who are searching for free SERP Checkers?

Then you’ll love this guide. In this special guide, I will discuss about the best and free SERP checker tools. But before that, let’s find out what is SERP and why SERP checking is important.

What is SERP and How to utilize SERP Checker ?

SERP is nothing but the Search Engine Results page. Which means the page which displays right after you enter any keyword on Google.

Every SEO Analyst strives to get on top of search results and it will be the goal for every SEO. Now, after all the efforts one must check their SERP rankings to find out where they stand for their target keywords. So, that it will give a proper idea about how to rank their website for that keyword.

Until Now, we have learnt about what is SERP and its introduction. Now, let’s find out the importance of SERP Checking and the best tools to find out SERP rankings. Firstly let’s concentrate on the Importance of SERPS Results.

Importance of Checking SERP Results with SERP Checker:

SERP checking is always important for any blogger or digital marketer. In general, the SERP analysis is a process of having a look at the top ranking websites in the SERP Results and at the same time finding out our position in SERP. Here SERP is nothing but search engine results page.

After doing all the hard work SEO simply measures the rankings and work by having a look at the SERP results. If you’re not getting proper results for your efforts means you have to change your strategy. As you are striving to have a look at the importance of SERP results. Let’s check them out in key points.

  • Checking SERP ranks will help you learn about what’s working and what’s not working.
  • With the research, you can simply evaluate your content according to the top-ranking sites.
  • You can change your plans and optimize your page with new strategies to get ranking.
  • By having a glance at the SERP results you can find out what other sites are doing to rank well in google.
  • You can learn about new strategies and stay up to date.
  • This process can help you pick the right keywords for your niche.
  • You can even find out whether you are able to outrank your competition with present strategies or not.

Now you know the importance of SERP checkers. Let’s get into the best free SERP checker tools list.

Best Free SERP Checker tools of 2019:

When you want to have a look at the best SERP checker tools you can find out a hell of a lot of tools. But do you know what’s the best SERP checker tool in those hundreds of free tools? If you don’t know then just check out this article. In this article, I have mentioned some best free SERP checker tools in 2019. Make use these free tools to enhance your blog.

Popular SERP Checker: What’s My SERP

What’s My SERP is one of the best free SERP Checker tools in 2019. This tool helps you to check your SERP results hassle-free. With this tool, you can check your Google search results for different keywords. If your website is ranking in between 0-100 results then it will showcase your results. Or else it shows you are not ranking for the keyword.

What's My SERP

This tool has some limitations, those are it only checks 10 keywords per day for users who aren’t registered with the whats my SERP. If you create a free account and sign in to your account then you can run this tool for unlimited times. So, all you have to do is sign up for this free tool without paying a penny.

At present, you can only trace out your google keyword rankings in this SERP results. But you really can’t track Yahoo or other search engines yet. You might soon track those shortly.

Key Features:

  • Quickly track your SERP Results for free.
  • Create an account to get unlimited SERP results.
  • This tool tracks your rankings pretty quickly when compared to other tools.
  • You can only check Google SERP Rankings with this tool.


SERP checking is one of the important things you should do to check your rankings and find out what your competitors are doing. So, SERP Robots has brought you a free tool to find out search engine ranking positions quickly.


This tool gives accurate results than other free tools. All the results on this site are loaded real-time so there are genuine.

As an SEO Analyst or blogger, you can quickly check your ranking of your competitors for free. You can search thousands of keywords rankings for free. You can find the results of your keyword only when you’re ranking in between 0-100. Above 100 it will just display as “Your Ranking is Above 100”.

Measure your efforts by quickly having a glance at your rankings and plan new strategies accordingly to rank higher than your competition.


  • Check your SERP Results unlimited times for free.
  • Get accurate information from real-time search engines.
  • Measure your competition with this effective SERP Checker tool.

SERP Surf:

Serp Surf is one of the best free SERP checker tools in 2019. If you are trying to check your SERP ranking with ease? Then check out SERP Surf free tool. With this tool, you can check your search rankings easily.

Along with that, you can also check your competitor rankings and their tactics for free. In this SERP Surf to check your rankings, you have to enter your domain name and enter your keyword and hit enter. Then your results will be displayed in 2mins. So, you can measure your competition rankings as well.


  • With the help of this tool, you can insert up to 5 keywords at a time.
  • You can check your keyword rankings and top 10 results of the websites.
  • Serp Surf is a free SERP checker tool which shows accurate results.

Small SEO Tools:

If you’re curious to find out your SERP results effortlessly? Then you should check out Small SEO Tools. This site is having a package of SEO tools which are useful for bloggers and digital marketers.

SERP Checker Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools helps you out with lots of SEO stuff such as plagiarism checker, SERP Checker, and more. With the help of small SEO tools SERP checker, you can find out all the keyword ranking at one place. This is free to use and it shows accurate results as well. In this tool, you can quickly check 10 keyword rankings at a time. So, its quite a handy tool for bloggers and SEO Analysts.


  • Accurately check your SERP results.
  • You can check up to 10 keywords per search.
  • This small SEO tool is also having other tools like plagiarism checker, grammar checker and more.

Daily Serp:

SERP CheckerDaily Serp is yet another premium tool which has its own free version. Its free versions have some limitations those are you can only check 10 keywords per day. For checking that also you have to register for a free account.

if you want to check out more results per day then you have to opt for the premium account. Usually, if you are a starter you don’t need more than 10 searches per day. So, you can take this free SERP tool and make use of it.


  • You can track 10 keywords per day on its free account.
  • Register for a free account and then start checking 10 keywords per day.
  • Select the platform which you want to check SERP results of such as the mobile, desktop.

Best SERP checker, SEO Review Tools:

SEO Review ToolsSEO Review tools is a quick and reliable SERP Checker which checks the search ranking positions of any website for free. This tool is almost similar to the other group package tools like Small SEO tools.

In this tool, you can check bulk keywords with ease. All you have to do is enter your keyword and website to check your ranking. This tool allows you to check a maximum of 10 keywords at a time. So, you will definitely save lots of time. Along with that, these results are quite accurate. With all these features you can definitely list this feature in Best Free SERP Checker tools.


  • This tool helps you to find out accurate rankings for all your keywords.
  • You can search for 10 keywords at a time.
  • SEO Reviews tool supports more than 14 countries.

Search Engine Reports:

Search Engine ReportsSearch Engine Reports is yet another tool which you can use for finding keyword rankings. This special tool can help you check 10 keywords at a time similar to the SEO Review tool. With this tool, you can check SERP results of different regions such as USA, NewZealand, UK, China, USA and more.

In this tool, you can quickly check the keyword rankings by your keywords or you can check it by your URL as well. So, this is a useful tool. You can select the mobile or desktop search results with this tool as well. So, make use of this tool and measure your competition rankings.


  • You can check 10 keyword rankings at a time.
  • Check keyword rankings either with URL or with the keyword.
  • You can keep track of your website easily.
  • Measure your competition keyword positions hassle-free.

SERPs Rank Checker tool:

SERP Rank Checker Serps rank checker tool is one of the popular free SERP checkers. This tool is having both the premium version and a free version as well. Coming to the free version, you can check your keyword rankings with some limitations. Where else in the premium plan you can search rankings for unlimited times.

In this tool, you can quickly select the device such as desktop or mobile. You can even select the search engine such as google, bing, yahoo and so on. The main part is that it can show you the search results based on the exact location just by entering the pin code. That’s the main speciality of this special SERP checker tool.

This SERP checker Features:

  • You can check your SERP rankings with limitations in free account.
  • Select the device you want to check search results for.
  • You can even select the search engine you want to find the results from.

Smart Serp:

Smart SERPs is one of the most popular tools in free SERP Checkers. This is one of the fastest and most accurate tools where you can check free keyword rankings.

Free SERP Checker Smart Serp

You can make use of this fastest and easiest tool to check your rankings for free with ease. SERPs is the only tool which shows you the top 250 search results along with the different stats such as keyword volume, phrases and more.

Although it has some limitations but still it’s a great tool to use. If you are an analyst who is striving to find out all the details about the keywords and ranking position. Then you can make use of this special tool.

Features of this SERP checker :

  • Find keyword rankings of nearly 250 positions.
  • Quickly check the rankings and traffic of the domain.

These are the best free SERP checker tools you have to know about in 2019. If you are interested to find out more interesting tools on blogging then stay tuned to our blog.

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