Blogging Tips

How to Get Karma on Reddit? 16 Easy Tips to Follow

How to Get Karma on Reddit
Written by twitiq

Reddit is a widespread content sharing and discussion platform. It is an online platform where people find answers, opinions, and discussions on different topics. But all people can’t make the most of the platform for having fewer karma points. Do you know how to get Reddit karma? This guide lets you know how to get karma on Reddit.

What is Karma on Reddit?

Reddit karma is a user’s score where the total amount of upvotes is counted against their downvotes. It offers some advantages, such as enabling you to begin your subreddit, and besides, it allows you to join some exclusive communities.

It is a score you get while posting and commenting on the platform. You can see total karma displayed on your profile. As soon as you tap on the username, you can see a Post Karma and Comment Karma breakdown. However, a few people are very good at the platform that their score runs into the millions.

How Does Karma Work?

How to get karma on Reddit fast? If you are a beginner, you may not know how karma works on the platform. A user can get it while people upvote anything posted and lose it while getting downvoted.

Can You Buy Karma?

Purchasing karma is not good if earning a score is your goal. You can not buy scores using coins or premiums on this platform.

If a service asks that it will buy the score for you, it is likely a scam. Although it could purchase it for you, it will go against the terms of service for which you may get banned from the platform.

How is Karma Calculated?

karma on Reddit- While starting to earn the score on the platform, it seems like each upvote adds a point to it. After getting into the thousands, the counting becomes a little murkier.

The platform uses an algorithm to calculate the score and doesn’t disclose exactly how it works. As a result, every upvote may not provide you with the same number of scores, and for example, a comment with 15K upvotes might not offer you 15K of Comment Karma.

What Does Karma Do?

It is better to know the advantages of having a good user score regarding what it does. After that, it is possible to post and comment as much as you are willing to. If you are a beginner on the platform, you may have observed that you need to wait before posting again after doing so a couple of times.

As soon as you earn more scores, the speed-bump will be no more. It allows you to join “exclusive” subreddits. But the needs of the score can depend on the communities, and a few subreddits need that you have a minimum amount of score before joining or posting.

If you are a high earner, you can have more credibility, and they have notoriously high standards if you are considering opinions and expertise. Likewise, if you have more user scores, you will have more credibility backing whatever you say. But do you know how to get karma on Reddit?

Can You Lose Karma on the platform?

Along with the factor of how to get karma on Reddit, you should know if you lose it for any reason. If any of your posts upset enough people, you will lose it quickly. As we have told above, whenever your post gets downvoted, you will lose it. The loss of score relies on how much score you had originally and how big of a feud you get yourself into.

Keep Up with the Online Platform Using Automation:

People like your posts and comments when you have a high karma score. Therefore, they got noticed as more of an authority within the community.

A low or negative karma score indicates that the user’s interaction upsets people. Karma is categorized into Post Karma and Comment Karma, and you can add together both for the total karma score. It indicates that if you’re willing to raise your karma, it is required to focus exclusively on comments or posts. However, it is advised to go after both.

How to Get Karma on Reddit:

How to get karma on Reddit? If you are willing to know the trick, go through these processes. These will let you know how to increase karma fast on Reddit.

  1. Post Between 6 AM and 8 AM. ET on Sunday:

Try to post them in an adequate time so that most people can see them. Therefore, posting them during the peak hours becomes vital, 6 AM – 8 AM Sunday, Eastern Time. It is the time zone of New York City. If you find it odd, you need to remember that the platform has a global audience as it is a culmination of peak times for various countries worldwide.

A few times are there when the platform usually pushes the content to the peak; as a result, it can reach more audiences. It is better to post during these times to get more views on your post. But the times are merely valid for your main profiles.

Whether you are willing to become famous on any Subreddits and get better exposure there, it is essential to post at the below times (EST).

Friday at 8 AM.

Monday 7 AM.

All other days: 8 AM To 12 PM.

  1. Ask Open-Ended Questions in r/AskReddit:

It is a Q&A forum open to all. The platform allows you to post questions on nearly any subject. Besides, it lets you ask specific questions to specialists, such as asking chefs what you should do while selecting restaurants, or it is possible to post broader questions as you can ask people what brings them happiness. Asking a good question can provide you with multiple responses for which you can see upvotes. In addition, people can reply to your comment allowing you to get more comment karma.

  1. Post and Comment at r/FreeKarma4U:

Some subreddits are there which can give each other karma, and r/FreeKarma4U is one of the most famous of them. After posting something, you can see other members upvoting it automatically using the unspoken agreement that you upvote others’ posts. Likewise, you see an agreement often where you can upvote it after commenting on a post. As a result, you will get instant karma on top.

  1. Comment on New and Rising Posts

Visibility is a major obstacle that you can face while getting karma. Sometimes, you may have the best comment or post, but it can be buried under other content. As a result, other people will not see it. Therefore, if you are karma hunting, you must stick with brand posts or those which are rising. Whether you know how you should smell a winner early, it is possible to get maximum visibility with minimum competition.

  1. Always Respond at the Earliest to Keep the Conversation Going:

When someone comments on the post, ensure that you should give a reply to them, even if to say thanks. As a result, the commenter becomes more appreciative, which boosts the likelihood of upvotes in the future. In addition, others see that you want to respond, increasing your comments overall.

  1. Stick with Larger Subreddits

As the platform is all about niches, targeting small and specialized communities is essential. However, when your top priority is karma, ensure that you must not ignore the large and popular subreddits like r/funny or r/todayilearned. It is still possible to get karma in smaller niches when you cater to the audience. But you can see the numbers moving more slowly. Hence, you should target the larger subreddits while maintaining a presence in the smaller niche ones.

  1. Post-Good Content:

Posting good content is always the best approach to achieving upvotes at the end of the day. Generally, social media skills go a long way on the online platform. So whether you are willing to post some content that your audience wants, you don’t face any issues earning karma.

There are a few basics in social media posting as follows:-

  • Try to improve the title quality. In this case, you need to make a catchy title that can grab other people’s attention quickly. Besides, you should try to make it a little mysterious.
  • You have to use top-quality visuals. Hence, you should try to upgrade your photos, videos, gifs, etc., quality to make the post more appealing.
  • You must try to make emotional connections with other people. So while you have conversions in the comments, ensure not to be afraid to show your human side.

These are a few tips you need to follow to make quality content:

  • Your aim should be to produce lengthy content offering in-depth knowledge about the topic.
  • It must contain pictures, demographics, and videos.
  • Besides, ensure that you have to add references and back your data using relevant links.
  • You must not post spam links. However, you can promote your business but ensure that you should do it naturally.
  • It is essential to go with the trend.
  • Your content decides the number of points you are willing to earn on the online platform.

If users find it interesting, you will gain fame in a short time on the platform. But in case it is unable to engage the users and offer any value, you might face issues with gaining them. Thus, you know how to get karma on Reddit.

If you post any wrong or useless content, it can result in downvotes. As a result, you can lose credibility on this platform. Therefore, you must be sure of your content to post relevant and highly engaging content.

  1. Use the Karma Bomb to Your Benefit:

How to get karma on Reddit? Karma Bomb is if you comment on any viral posts. In this case, your comment can gain fame, for which your point or score will experience a massive increase. But it can be risky as your comment can face multiple downvotes, resulting in a few adverse effects on the score.

You need to know whether you should comment on the posts or not. If you are willing to comment, ensure that you have made a quality comment without negativity or hate speech. Sometimes, when you use the bomb uniquely, it helps to gain good exposure and boost the points on the platform.

These are a few tips that you should see to gain this positive bomb:

  • You need to analyze a few loved comments on a similar post and then make something similar.
  • Try to make an engaging comment that can help you inspire the community and create replies from the reader.
  • You should include visual content if necessary.
  • As soon as you have posted your comment successfully, you should keep your eye on it.
  • If you face your comment getting downvotes a lot, you should delete the comment instead of negatively impacting your profile.
  1. Ask & Answer Questions Smartly:

You may find the process simple, but it is a vital way to create good views on the content and gain upvotes. Ensure that upvotes play a significant role in building your community and gaining a reputation. However, downvotes can have a negative impact on the profile at the time. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the Post quality on the platform.

Only answering questions on the platform will not help you to have a positive effect. Try to make it in a good pattern. In addition, you should use a few techniques to make sure your answers are perfect among multiple people.

You should remember these techniques before asking questions to know how to get karma on Reddit:

  • Try to ask questions which are not available on the platform.
  • If necessary, you can look for a similar question on Google to check if there is any good answer. When you don’t find an answer on Google about the question, ensure that you must post it on this platform.
  • Before answering anything, you should follow these tips.
  • Try to answer something very in-depth as you can.
  • Find questions that got ranked on Google, and then you should write your answer in detail.
  • Never insert any irrelevant links to spam answers.
  • Ensure that you should offer real value by adding pictures, tables, data, and videos.

As of September 2021, the platform has become the 19th most visited website worldwide and the 7th most visited in the US. In addition, it helps to rank many keywords on the top pages of Google, indicating that you will get more growth opportunities to gain karma on the platform by attracting a vast audience.

If you are willing to find questions that get ranking on Google, take the help of some SEO tools to analyze its URL. As a result, you can get many keywords ranking on Google.

After that, you have to enter the keyword list and then use first page filters to find keywords available on Google’s first page.

When you find these, proceed to them to lit a detailed answer. Thus, you get to know how to get karma on Reddit.

  1. Avoid Posting Excessively:

You are wrong if you think you will get significant advantages by posting excessively and commenting on each post.

  • You may lose your points as it is one of the substantial reasons for negative points.
  • Ensure that you know the number of posts you make in a specific time frame.
  • You should wait for a while after posting something, i.e., try to maintain a gap between your posting times. Make sure you must not post more than twice a day.
  • Your comments must not exceed over five to six in a day on various posts.
  • When you post more comments than the prescribed limits, your points will experience a negative impact.
  • You need to upvote posts or comments you prefer rather than posting comments from your profile.
  • You can gain a score by upvoting comments and posts of others. Rather than commenting or posting excessively, it is better to gain points.
  1. Join Popular Subreddits:

r/funny and r/pics are some big subreddits where most people prefer to hang out. Therefore, while you post something that goes over well with them, you can gain many points from the post alone.

But there is a drawback of such massive communities like they are heavily moderated. So although you manage to post as a beginner, you might face difficulty cutting through the noise.

We have given names of the ten largest subreddits you should join to know how to get karma on Reddit. (39.6 Million Followers) (35.3 Million Followers) (32.2 Million Followers) (30.6 Million Followers) (29.2 Million Followers) (28.7 Million Followers) (27.3 Million Followers) (26.3 Million Followers) (27.4 Million Followers) (24.3 Million Followers)

As soon as you have finalized which you are willing to choose, you should have a natural look at your profile before joining the groups.

  1. Post Unique or Funny Things:

How to get karma on Reddit? It may sound obvious, but your post should be valuable to be observed. You can go with memes with viral potentials, like having unusual and fascinating photos and videos.

  1. Discuss Hot Topics:

Using the Reddit platform, you can see a heated discussion happening there. Whether you are willing to say something about the latest trending news, you must have heard your voice in others’ voices.

What makes the process tricky is that they are extremely polarizing. It sometimes offers a chance of getting downvoted as you are likely to get a positive score.

  1. Avoid Copyright Infringements

Avoiding these helps you to know how to get karma on Reddit. It pays special attention to other online forums and communities. The online platform helps with copyright violations and doesn’t enable you to repost content from other sites.

After doing that, this platform will take down your post. As a result, it will mot get popularity here. So whether you have copy-pasted all the posts from other sites with 100% plagiarism, the platform can ban your account.

You must ensure that you haven’t put any copyright infringements and have avoided posting copied content.

If you are willing, try to post Subreddits again, whether you are not willing to produce unique content on your own. These Subreddits let you post copied content from other platforms which do not violate the TOS of the company.

  1. Comment First and Make a Good Point:

You can monitor new posts and go to them with better upvoting potential. When the post gets hot, the comment will go up with it by sheer proximity. You are unable to upvote it as it’s the first one.

Try to give Witty comments and relevant GIF reactions because these are good for upvotes. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-thought argument, and having a comment with thousands of upvotes can express a sentiment only that enough people can relate to. Thus, you know how to get karma.

How to get karma on Reddit? If you are willing to find new posts, go through the following steps.

  • You should join various communities and Subreddits.
  • Head towards the Home Page of the online platform or any specific Subreddit.
  • Tap on the New Posts option available at the page’s top menu.
  • You should filter out the posts which can excite you from the list of available posts and comment on them.
  • Your comments should have these attributes.
  • Ensure that the comments must elaborate on the post.
  • In addition, it has to express your opinion about the post.
  • Try to post a comment which is exciting and humorous.
  • Ensure that the post must be to the point.

If you think of criticizing, ensure that you need to avoid any hate speech. As soon as you have posted the comment, you must engage with the audience.

  1. Engage with the Audience:

If you are willing to gain visibility on the Reddit online platform, you can engage with the audience and earn points.

When you write long posts, ensure that these are highly engaging and do not make readers bored. Readers can leave the post if they find it uninteresting. As a result, your profile will experience a negative score.

Posts must have a firm call to action about comments or any specific action you are willing to take for the reader. It helps to prompt your readers to take action from your posts. As a result, your posts might gain more views on them.

You can connect with the audience in the comments to communicate with them. If someone comments on the post, you need to reply in detail and communicate with them.

Benefits Of Good Karma Score:

It is lucrative for individuals and businesses in many ways. However, if you use the platform rigorously, you must know about its benefits, and therefore, you will pay more attention to producing strategies to improve it. For example, after learning how to get karma on Reddit and now let you know its benefits.

We have given the top five attractive benefits of good karma.

  1. More Exposure:

It is a very attractive benefit of gaining good points. If your profile has a good score, it will get better post views. Each person looking to benefit from the online platform is the ultimate goal.

Having a solid score allows the platform to promote posts on top of the questions you answer. Thus, your posts can get more exposure on the platform bringing more upvote opportunities, and you can get a better score also.

  1. Create Subreddits:

The score you have plays a significant role in generating Subreddits of your own. Generally, you can have a score of 50 or above to begin a Subreddit on your terms and niche. However, the platform will not enable you to make any subreddit while the score is below that threshold of 50.

Gaining more fame before producing your subreddit is always better. The 50 karma mark is a threshold you require at least to make a Subreddit that you can grow quickly. Whether you are willing to market your Subreddit properly and want the exponential growth, focus on your profile until it reaches the 100-point mark.

  1. More Trust:

People usually trust those profiles which have a better score. They can even love the posts and share them more if you are a verified source on this online platform. So gaining a good score can help you only to become verified.

After creating posts, you can see people following you and engaging with you on the platform. In addition, it allows you to create your Subreddits and a community.

  1. Better Marketing Opportunities:

In most cases, businesses use the platform as a content marketing platform to gain more business from their community.

  • People approach profiles that belong to specific niches with more followers and a high score.
  • If you have a better score, more businesses will approach you, and they even ask you to share content that promotes and markets their product.
  • It is possible to create a good amount of earnings by marketing their products.
  1. Easy Post Approval:

When you have a good score, you can understand easy approval of your posts without considering which community you post in.

Subreddits having huge followers take a long time to approve posts made by profiles with lower follower counts. However, the platform will approve it instantly when any profile’s posts have a better score. So it is lucrative if you are willing to get an immediate advantage from any specific Subreddit.

The verification time doesn’t apply to Subreddits merely. The platform can stop posts from instant approval, and it will approve them once you assure that you have made the authenticity of the position.

Where To Find Your Karma Score?

How to get karma on Reddit? It is available on the top of your profile while you open it on the phone app. But on a PC, you can find the score on the sidebar of your profile.

These are the steps allowing you to access the best possible score on the platform.

  • Your first task is to sign in to your account.
  • Tap on your name at the top-right corner of the home page.
  • When the drop-down comes, you should tap on profile.
  • You can view your score using a certain number below the Create Avatar option in the top-right menu.

Thus, you get to know all about Karma.

How To Get Karma in Reddit Score:

If you are a beginner in the platform, most communities and Subreddits will not approve posts for having a low score. Therefore, it is essential to pay more attention to the questions and answers part in this case.

You should focus mainly on creating relevant questions and listing detailed answers to questions with proper research. Thus, you can easily begin with the score on the platform. As soon as you view some growth, you will view more post approvals.

The Bottom Line:

How to get karma on Reddit? If you are willing to get maximum advantage on the platform, it is essential to maintain a good score. At the starting point, you may need to face challenges. But after gaining momentum, you must receive huge points and begin getting maximum benefits.

Earning points is a part of the platform. Posting controversial content is not the thing that can downvote into oblivion. If you break fundamental Reddiquette, it can cause an issue for other users, even without any reason. You will have a good user score when you avoid upsetting those you share. We hope you know properly now the trick.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you get karma fast on Reddit?

These tricks let you know how to get karma quickly.

  • Comment On New Posts.
  • Post at the correct time
  • Engage with the audience.
  • Join bigger Subreddits.
  • Post Quality Content.
  • Try Controversial Things.

How do you get free karma?

These are a few ways to let you know how to get free karma on Reddit.

  • Post-Good Stuff.
  • Comment Smartly.
  • Ask & Answer questions.
  • Comment on new Posts.

How do you increase your karma?

These are the ways through which you can increase it.

  • Give away something valuable.
  • Offer a compliment.
  • Recommendation something good
  • Just start working.
  • Find someone a job.

About the author
